13-Jobless and tour together?

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I woke up on my bed. I looked around the room and it was empty. I sighed and got up remembering the previous events. Before gasping loudly. I jump off my bed and grab my phone calling my manager.

"I'm so so sorry! I'll come to work right away!" I say quickly, I was 2 hours late. "Don't worry y/n. I was told by Matt that you quit." I frown at her words. "I'm sorry Sara what? I quit?" I say confused. "Yes, your girlfriend came in for you since you were sick." She says. "Oh ok. Well it was nice working with you bye." I say hanging up. I sigh feeling really upset then anger.

I slam my door open and walk to the living room where i see Billie watching tv. She turns around due to the loud bang of the door and looks at me. "Hey mamas, how was your sleep?" She says smiling. "Cut the shit Billie. Why the hell did my manager just say I quit?" I say crossing my arms. "Baby you don't need a job when you have me." She says standing up. "I'm not leeching off of you Billie." I say angry. "Mamas it's fine. I want you to go on tour with me." She says walking to me. "Why should I huh? To hear you and Brandon fuck while I'm just there? Yeah I would rather not. I want to stay here." I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her.

"Watch that tone princess. I don't think you want a repeat of last time do you now?" She steps closer to me and towers over me. I shrink down and shake my head no. "Good. I've packed your bags we leave tonight. I don't want to hear you complaining. I want you on your best behavior and you show respect. Do you understand?" She says gripping my neck tightly. I whimper quietly, "Yes daddy."

She lets go of my neck and places a kiss on my lips before she sits back down on the couch. I sigh, I should be happy to go on tour with her but I'm not happy at all. I glance at her as I watch her fingers type away on her phone. I shake my head and walk into the kitchen looking for my medications. They've been really helpful and I know I need them to function on everyday basis. Billie threw out the ones on my desk, but I keep my other bottles in the kitchen hidden behind the seasonings.

I frown, my pills are gone. Ive taken out everything and they arent there. "You dont need then y/n." I hear a voice say. I sigh, "Billie please. Just let me have my damn medication. You don't know what it's like for me to be without it! It's hard to function when all those crazy thoughts swarm my head! Don't you see I need help! Those pills help me Billie! Just let me take them please." I say as my eyes glass over with tears. "You don't need them and that's final." She says and I hear her walk out of the kitchen.

I clench my fists tightly out of frustration. I walk out and into my room. I lay down my face on a pillow and I scream loudly into it. My screams then turn to sobs. I'm having a panic attack. I grip the pillow tightly making it hard for me to breathe with the lack of oxygen from my sobs and the pillow. I hear a door slam open. "Stop! Fucking stop y/n!" I could hear the panic in her voice.

She roughly pulls me up and hugs me. I wrap my legs around her waist and hug her neck tightly as I sob. I feel something wet on my shoulder, I glance over and see Billies eyes closed, tears falling down her face. "Please don't do that again. I'm right here okay. I'm not leaving you. You're not leaving me." She says more to herself than me. She rocks back and forth on the bed, holding me tightly.

We've stayed in the position for a while until we both calmed down. "I dont want to have to watch you 24/7 y/n, but if i have to im going to. This will not happen again do you understand?" She says getting up with me walking to the living room. "I can't control what happens to me. If I had my medication it wouldnt have happened." I say quietly. "You're not taking medication and thats final. Get your bags we need to leave now." She says setting me down near my bags.

We finally made it to New York City where her next show was going to be. The taxi picked us up and dropped us off at a fancy hotel. We walk up the elevator and she presses floor 7. The ride is silent, an uncomfortable silent. We make it to the floor and head to the room. She knocks and the door opens revealing Brandon. He hugs her tightly before looking behind her to me. There was something in his eyes I couldn't tell what it was, but i knew I didn't like it.

"Come in you two! The others went exploring for a bit." He says stepping to the side allowing us in. Him and Billie talk as I'm just there. I glance over at them and they seem happy. I'm jealous that they can be happy. I look down at my hands and play with my fingers. Billie took my phone away because I was misbehaving. So I didn't really have anything to do.

"Y/n?" I look over to where I heard my name. Billies face showed slight concern, but I know that cant be true. "Yes?" I say softly. "It's gotten late. I think its time for you to go to bed okay?" She says. I look at her with a blank expression. I didn't know my mom was my girlfriend. I roll my eyes, "where." I say standing up. "The room to down the hall on the right is yours." Brandon says gesturing to the room. I nod and start to walk off.

"Wait. Isn't there something you should say?" Billie says expectantly. "No." And with that I walk into my room and close the door. I sigh leaning against the door. I push myself off walking to the large window that was open letting a cool breeze in. I look over at the beautiful view in awe. I then look down to the busy city. I could jump right now, this could be my chance to freedom. The freedom I need. I look back into the room and then back down. I should jump. I step back and close the window shutting the curtains. I lay in the bed, "I should have jumped. But the pain of reality feels better."

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now