15- New Job and Confrontment?

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       "I don't understand why you're still with her." Dana says. I sigh, "I've tried leaving but it's just worse." I say drinking my tea. After what happened with Billie I went over to Dana's house. Yeah I've only known the girl for less than twenty-four hours, but she already meant a lot to me.

         My phone starts going off through our conversation and I sigh knowing who it is. I pick up the phone and answer her. "Hello?" I say. The line is silent, "Come back now." She says firmly. "Uh yeah no thanks." I say and I'm about to hang up when she says something. "I know where you are. Did you forget the tracker? Either you come here or I bring you forcefully." She says calmly. I tear up, "I'm coming." I hang up and grab my stuff.

      "I have to go Dana." I say quickly standing up and my phone rings again. I sigh and answer, "Hello is this y/n  y/l/n?" They ask. "Uh yes who is this?" I ask. "Oh my apologies I'm Ashley Goll, owner of Goll clothing. Dana sent in some of your drafts and i find them amazing. I want you to work with me so if possible tomorrow at 12 a.m. would you come in?" She asks in her deep yet feminine voice. "I. Uh. Yes! Of course. Thank you so much!" I say and we bid our goodbyes.

      I smile at Dana and hug her. "Thank you Dana so much." I say crying. "Of course! I want that fit after all." I laugh and walk to her door as she walks me out. "Be safe y/n." She says worried. I nod and smile. But as soon as she closes the door my smile drops and I start walking to the hotel, dreading that I had to see Billie.

        I told billie to go to the park across the hotel instead of the hotel room. So I could talk to her about everything, I looked around before spotting her sitting on a bench. I walk over to her and stand in front of her. She looks up at me with blank eyes. I had enough of her shit and I think its time to get answers.

     "Why are you doing this?" I whisper and she shrugs. "Because I can." Was her answer.

      "But you said! you told me you love me!" I yelled at her tears streaming down my face.

      She looks at me and shrugs smiling, "I didn't mean it. I was just playing around. Wanted to know what it was like. And you know I love him."

      "You wrote it! 'If I love you was a promise would you break it if your honest' it was a promise! you can't break a promise!" I sob out clenching the end of my shirt tightly.

      "How old are you? Fucking 10? Promises are made to be broken. At least I'm being true to staying honest. Wake up y/n, this is reality. I'm not even gay! I was just curious." She says rolling her eyes.

        "So you chose me to play with? To hurt? You think my feelings aren't valid just because I'm a lesbian? So you play with my feelings! You're just a selfish bitch! I fucking hate you Billie!" I yell unable to control my emotions anymore.

    "Okay? Well if that was it, I'm leaving. Brandon's waiting for me in the car." She says with a laugh. I look up to met her ocean eyes filled with amusement and accomplishment. I look at her with disgust and walk away. Away from her, hopefully forever.

      I walked back to the hotel room to get my stuff as I cried loudly. I enter the hotel and the lights were off meaning everyone was still asleep. I quickly went to my room and grabbed my things, stuffing my bag horribly noticing a strange scent. I didn't care at the moment. I was going to Dana's place to stay and then hopefully go see miss Goll and get a job. Then I'll earn some money to buy a place in New York.

     I sit on the bed and cry. I just let it all out. I need my medications, I need someone. But I have no one. I lay on the bed and close my eyes thinking. A nap wouldn't hurt right?

     "We will land shortly please stay in your seats." I rush up hearing the voice. I look around the private jet seeing everyone chatting. I look down to where I was laying on someones lap. I look over and see it was Billies. No, you're joking. "You have to be fucking kidding me! How! You fucking drugged me. You bitch!" I yell crying and go to strangle her. But before I can she grips my wrist tightly making me let out a whimper. She pulls me up by my wrists and drags me to the room in the plane.

       She tosses me on the bed and crosses her arms in front of me. "You won't be having a phone anymore. You won't be talking to anyone. When we arrive you go straight to your room. I've had enough of the way you're acting. You need to be reminded of who's in charge." I scoff at her words. "You aren't my mother! I'm an adult! I'm my own person! You're nothing to me." I spat.

      Then she slaps me, hard. I look down as more tears fall. "Enough. Don't talk to me like that y/n. You'll stay in here." And with that she walks out and locks the door from the outside.

     I can't leave. I really have no one left. She killed everyone I love. I still don't understand why. I don't understand anything!

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now