9-You don't need pills and tour?

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     "What are you doing y/n?" My eyes widen at her voice. I quickly place the phone down and grab my water. "I got hungry so I came to get a snack and some water." I say turning to look at her. She rubs her eyes and yawns. "Mm okay baby. Come back to bed." She says walking back to the room. I finish the granola bar and water and set the cup in the sink. I walk towards my room, but look back at her phone on the island. I eye it as it lights up again, but I ignore it this time and walk to my room. I see Billie already fast asleep again. I get into bed and cuddle into her. This has to be a nightmare.

      I wake up and turn to my side. Billie isn't there. I get up and look around the room. "Billie?" I yell from my room. No response. I grab my phone and notice a text from her.

Billie:hey baby, good morning. Im sorry im not there with you rn, but i had an urgent meeting

Me: its okay love

      Urgent meeting my ass. I get up and get dressed since I had work today. I get dressed in a simple black uniform with the restaurant logo on it. I put my hair in a high ponytail and add some mascara. I go to my desk to get my antidepressants and the new pills I was prescribed yesterday. I scan my desk but the bottles are gone. You have got to be kidding me. I fucking need those shits so I don't lose my shit. I begin to panic and trash my room looking for them. I swear they were on my desk! Fuck! You know what I'll ask Billie.

Me:do you know where my pills are?
Billie:pills? Oooooh! Yeah i threw em out why?
Me:pleaseeeeee tell me this is a joke
Billie: i threw em out mamas. Whats the big deal?
Me:i fucking need them Billie! They help me go on through out the day!
Billie:they sum happy pill shit tho? You dont need em, you have me.
Me:billie...are you fucking stupid. I need them. Just cuz you my gf now dont mean shit. I still need em for other stuff
Billie:oh well who cares.
Me:im done with this. Dont talk to me

      I'm livid. Who the hell does she think she is? Fuck, this shit it's pissing me off. Some happy pill shit my ass. I quickly grab my keys and run to my car. I'm going to be late if I don't hurry my ass up. My hands grip the steering wheel tightly my knuckles turn white. I need to calm down before i start work i don't want to get fired.

       Finally after eight hours my shift has ended. I needed to get to the apartment quickly since Mandys parents were coming to get her things. I sigh thinking of her, I should have been a better friend. I get up to my apartment and see her parents. They notice me and smile sadly. "Hello y/n dear. How have you been?" Her mother asks me. "I'm holding up. And you two?" I ask opening my door and letting them in. "As good as we can be." She says tearing up. I hug her and show them to her room where the boxes are neatly lined up.

       Soon all the boxes were gone and the room was empty, but the one box in Amanda's dads hands. "Thank you y/n for giving our beautiful Mandy happiness. We wish you the best darling." She says and hugs me tightly and her husband hugs me as well as we bid our goodbyes. I look at the time it was already nine. I should shower and go eat.

      I showered and dressed myself in some warm pjs. I walk out of my room and to the kitchen and I hear voices. I look and see the tv on and Billie on the couch. "Billie?" I ask. She turns around and grins. She rushes to me and hugs me, then gives me a light peck. I glance down and notice multiple hickeys on her neck. I know they aren't from me, I only made one. I step away from her and frown.

      "Billie. What's that?" I say pointing to the hickeys. She looks down and smiles back up at me. "Hickeys duh." She says. "No shit, but who gave them to you? Cause I sure as hell didn't!" I say pissed. She rolls her eyes at me, "Enough y/n. Don't accuse me of such things. You know I wouldn't fucking do that. I love you so fucking much baby." She says, but I know its a lie. Yet I still fall for it. I just nod. There were so many questions I wanted to ask. Yet, something told me to just stay quiet.

       Billie and I were cuddling on the couch and I was falling asleep on her lap. Suddenly her phone rang and she picked up. "Yo." She said. "Nah babe I'm busy rn." She says playing with my hair. "Yeah im with her. No. No. She's good. Don't worry daddy it ain't like that. You know it's a game." She says and I wonder what she means by that. Her conversation with the person soon ends, but I had stopped listening because I was too tired.

     "Hey baby?" Billie asks. I look up at her letting her know I'm listening. "I have to go on tour. I start tour tomorrow." She says and I sit up frowning. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask hurt. "I'm sorry mamas it had slipped my mind. It's only 3 months babygirl." She says caressing my face and kissing me softly. "That's a long time Bil." I say nervously. "Don't worry baby. We can facetime and text every night." She says smiling at me. I just nod, upset I won't be with her.

        "Come on baby. Don't be like that." She says pouting. I frown how can she expect me to be happy about my girlfriend being gone for three months? I shrug and try to walk off to the living room. She grips my arm tightly I wince in pain and look at her. Her blue eyes darken and she gives me a frown as she sits up on the bed. "Don't be like that y/n." She repeats again. I looks at her in fear, I don't know what shes capable of. She's doing all these strange things. "Okay. I'm sorry." I whisper out. She smiles and and pulls me into her chest. She gives me a quick kiss.

     I walk out to the kitchen thinking of everything. Everything adds up, she knows things I don't, shes keeping shit from me. But after seeing her react like that I don't know if confronting her is a smart thing. I grab some water and drink some before making my way back to the room. I walk in and look over at her shes fast asleep. I look at her neck showing all the hickeys I didn't give her. I don't understand. We just started dating, why is she doing this? My eyes tear up thinking about every thing. I lay down next to her and her arms wrap around me. Her small snores echoing through out the room. "Do you even love me Billie?" I whisper out and I get no response. I'm just a fool to have fallen into this trap.

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now