5-Party and pretty girl

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I woke up to a room with red lights. I move trying to get up, but an arm around my waist stops me. I look over to see Billie. Her green and black hair sprawled all over the pillow as she snores softly. I giggle and smile. I didn't know I would have missed her so much especially since she just left out of no where and losing my memories didn't help. A knock comes from the door interrupting my thoughts. "Come in." I say softly to not wake Billie up, but loud enough for the person to hear me.

Finneas walks in and he smiles at me. "Uh hey y/n. Billie told us what happened. Are you alright?" He asks. Finn was always like an older brother to me it's a shame I forgot everything he's done for me. But I'm glad this happened. I feel better now that everything seems to be in place. That I remember this family and everything they've done for me. "I'm okay Finn. I just wish you guys never left to begin with." I say sadly. "I know I'm sorry. But Billie thought it was the right thing to do." He says I look up to him not wanting to start an argument, but I don't have anything better to say.

He seems to understand my thoughts and gives me a sad smile. "Well if you can please wake Billie up she has a meeting at 12. Oh and y/n? Welcome back." He says walking out and closing the door. "It's good to be back." I whisper. I look over at Billie wondering how I'm going to wake her up. I pull her arm off of me and she turns over her back facing me. I grin and place my feet on her back and push her causing her to fall onto the floor. I hear her groan and look up over at me. "Really?" She says standing up stretching. "From what I recall, you don't wake up any other way." I say giggling.

She rolls her eyes and walks to her closet. As she looks for clothes to wear my phone starts to ring I pick up seeing it's Amanda. "Hello?" I say and Billie glances at me. "Y/N! GIRL! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I hear her scream. I pull the phone away from my ear. "Geez Mandy It's way to fucking early for your yelling. I'm at a friends house. What do you want?" I ask. "Ooh okay. BUT BITCH GUESS WHAT!" I groan. "Shut the fuck up Mandy! But yeah what?" I hear her laugh. "We are going to a party tonightttttttt! Hottie said his friends are hosting it. Bell twins some shit like that. But I'm sure you could get some good pussy. So like come with me?" She asks. "Fuck it sure Mandy I'll be home soon. Bye." I say and hang up as I hear her squeal.

I look over at Billie whose already dressed and she raises an eyebrow at me. "Mandy and I are going to a party tonight. Hosts are the Bell twins?" I say. Billie smiles, "Hey I'm going too! Those guys are my friends!" She says excited. I laugh, "That dope! I guess I'll see you tonight then?" I say standing up. "Ooh! For sure! Now come on let's drop you off so I can get this stupid meeting over with." She says as we make our way out of her room. I see Maggie in the kitchen with Finn. She looks over and smiles.

She comes and gives me a hug. "It's good to see you back here." She says. "I'm glad. I missed it here." I say. She smiles, "I'll let you go since Billie over there seems to be in a rush." She says laughing. I smile and nod saying bye to her and Finn. I walk over to Billie who seems to be inpatient as her foot taps on the floor rapidly. I notice she's on her phone texting someone as I get closer I glance down at the name on her phone Que👅💦😍. She looks up and shuts her phone off quickly. "Come on lets go. I have to get stuff before my meeting." She says rushing out.

The car ride back to my apartment was awkward. I felt uncomfortable the whole was home for some reason. We get to the parking garage and she rushes me out of the car as she continues to text someone. Before I can even say bye she speeds off. I shake my head slightly annoyed and make my way to my apartment.

I open the door and sigh. Suddenly a force pushes me to the floor and I land on my ass. "I MISSED YOU BOO!" Amanda says hugging me tightly. "Yeah yeah now fuck off I need my meds." I say pushing her off me and she pouts. "Rude ass. Hurry up though! Let's watch some movies before we get ready for the party!" She yells out as I make it to my room. I take my meds and sigh should I really go to this party? It's been a while since I've gone out though. And there's a chance I can meet a girl. I guess for Mandy I'll go. I make my way to couch where Mandy is at and sit down watching The Lion King.

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now