14-New friend and oh fuck?

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I wake up to an empty bed. I could hear the birds chirping. I don't understand how they can be so happy. I get up and get dressed in just a loose t-shirt and jean shorts. I walk out of the room and hear chatting. I walk to the living room and it goes quiet. "Oh y/n I didn't know you were here." I heard Finn says. Him, Claudia, Maggie and Patrick all looked at me with worry before glancing over at Billie and Brandon. Billie sat on his lap smiling at him. I wish I could leave her.

"I thought Billie told you guys. She came to get me yesterday." I say softly. "Oh I see." He says giving off an awkward laugh. I sigh and shake me head. I don't like their sympathy. "I'm going out. I'll be back soon." I say walking out of the fancy hotel room. Before I could make it to the elevator a hand pulls on my shoulder, turning me around to face them or should I say her. She gives me a hard glare, "You aren't going out y/n. I told you I have to watch you. Just stay inside." She says.

"No thanks Billie. I'm stuck here, I don't want to be here. But I don't have a choice cause you made me quit my job. What more will you do?" I ask her. She stares at me and doesn't say anything. "Well I'm going out to explore. You have a tracker on me so use that if you want to know where I am." I say calling her out on the stupid tracker. I step into the elevator. "Y/n! Wait-" Before she can finish the doors shut. I sigh, lets see what we can find.

I entered a small cafe. It was cute and quiet, everyone seemed friendly. It reminded me of the cafe I worked at. I ordered a coffee and sat by a large window. I looked out and saw a park across the busy street. "Here's your coffee miss." The waitress places the coffee in front of me and I give her a nod and smile. I continue to look out the window just looking.

The chair across from me is pulled out and someone sits in it. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here." A voice says. I look up to see a girl. She looks just like Amanda. "Uh no it's okay." I say shocked. She smiles at me, "My name is Dana, what's your name?" She says staring at me with her green eyes. "Y/n." I respond. "Well y/n, lets get going! You're my new friend now!" She says excitedly pulling me up with her and we head out.

She took me to the mall and we talked about all sorts of things. She was just like Mandy and it made me sad. But maybe I found a new friend. I explained to her everything that's been going on. And she told me about her life. She was an interior designer and was pretty popular.

"Why don't you go back to college?" She asked me as we browsed some clothes at Gucci. I had explained to her that I wasn't able to keep up with college after Mandy had died and I had drowned myself with constant work. "I don't think Billie would let me go to college. She'll just say it's too dangerous." I say sadly. "Damn. She's a bitch. But what were you studying?" She asks. "I was studying fashion design." I say smiling. I personally loved to make clothes. It was so much fun. Mandy usually wore the pieces I made.

"No way! Let me see!" She says excitedly. I show her some of my work and she grins. "Girl! I could put you on with someone! I'm sure she would love to see your work and maybe even hire you!" She says happily. "But like make me a fit girl!" I laugh and nod. "Okay bet! But it might be a while since I don't have anything right now." I say. "That's fine as long as I get something." I smile at her.

We continue to walk around the mall. She has bought so much shit. Stuff she doesn't even need! Like who buys a damn toaster shaped as an elephant! "Bitch! Imma buy you something cute to wear and you gonna wear it!" She says dragging me into a store filled with expensive clothes.

About 30 minutes later she picks an outfit she likes. It's a black skirt with a maroon sweater, and then topped off with some black heels." The outfit was cute and simple for the fall weather. I loved it, even if you could see my scars. I still loved it. I gave her a hug and thanked her. "Of course y/n! For a new friendship!" She says. I laugh, "For a new friendship!" I say and we giggle.

It's almost 11:30 in the night as we ride the taxi. We arrive at the hotel and go up to my floor. I told her I could make it alone but she insisted on taking me up. So I gave in. I make it to the hotel door and open it slightly. "Well I had a lot of fun with you Dana! I'll see you soon!" I say and she grins. "Duh! Bye! I love you!" Smile, " I love you too!"

I walk in the hotel room and sigh. Everyone must be asleep. I quietly walk over to my room and I hear noises coming from it. "Fuck!" I hear as I get closer. I open my door and see Billie ridding Brandon. They both jump at the door opening. "Uh y/n? I look-" she begins. I just stare at her blankly before closing the door and walking to the living room. I step close to the large window. I look over and see the highway and the city all lit up. It was so pretty. "Y/n! Listen. I'm sorry you had to see that." She begins. I don't look at her, I just continue to look out the window. I can see her reflection through it.

"Wait. Where were you? And why are dressed up like that? Did you meet someone? You fucking slut!" She yells at me becoming angry. I stare at her blankly yet again, not surprised by her words. I walk to the couch behind her and pick up my bag and phone. She pulls me roughly by my arm causing me to fall to the floor. "What the fuck are you doing!? Answer me you slut! Did you see someone?!" I look up at her with fear in my eyes. "I made a friend." Was all I said. She crouches down to my level and lifts my chin up. "A friend? I knew I shouldn't have let you go out. Those people out in this world are toxic y/n. I don't want you seeing this person again." She says standing up.

I get up and look at her before going to the door. "Where are you going?" She says I can hear the panic in her voice. "Next time, if you're gonna fuck do it in your own room not someone elses." And with that I shut the door and walk out.

"Hey Dana? Send me your address. I'm coming over."

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now