7-Amanda? and we can't talk anymore

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"I'm sorry ma'am, but Ms. Raylinds is dead." I stare at them in disbelief. "Amanda isn't dead. Is this some kind of sick joke!" I say angry. "Ma'am her body was found this afternoon. She was murdered by Jaden Hemmings." He says. Jaden Hemmings? Oh my god. "No. T-that was the guy she met. She stayed the night once and she was okay and now she's not? Please no." I say crying. "We are sorry ma'am. If you know where Hemmings could be please contact the police. We are sorry for your loss." He says. They give a nod and walk away.

"You're kidding me. Amanda can't be dead. Yeah she was an annoying little shit, but she was my annoying little shit." I say as I slid down the door after closing it. I hear footsteps and look up to see Billie. She gives me a sad smile, "Come on mamas. Let's get you into bed." She says reaching down to grab me, but I move away. "No. I can't right now Billie. I just lost my best friend! And sleep isn't going to help me in anyway!" I yell at her. She frowns, "Baby being upset and crying over someone whose gone isn't gonna make her come back. Would Amanda like to see you like this over her?" She says and I shake my head.

"See. Now come on and let's go to bed. I have to be somewhere tomorrow and I didn't drive here." She says pulling me up and to my room. She hands me some clothes to change into and Billie starts to undress. Her back is turned to me. She takes off her shirt and throws it on the floor I can see the straps of her black bra. She then drops her shorts down to her feet and bends over to pick them up. She gives me a view of her whole ass and her thong and my mouth waters. She stands up straight and starts to take off her chains, suddenly she turns around and her breasts bounce due to the movement. "You gonna change or keep staring princess?" She asks smirking.

I blush and start taking off my clothes and changing into the clothes Billie gave me. I hear her chuckle and go back to taking her chains and rings off. I lay in bed waiting for her. I soon feel the bed dip and arms wrap around me. "Everything will be okay. Goodnight y/n I love you." She says. "Goodnight I love you too."

"Y/nnnnnnn! Wake up!" I hear a voice say. I groan and roll over on my stomach. Smack. I jolt up at the sudden pain in my ass. "What the fuck man!" I say glaring at Billie. She smiles, "Get dressed dude. I have to go!" She says. "Yeah yeah. Fuck off. I'll be out in a sec." I say and she walks out. I change quickly and take my meds. "Okay lets go buddy." I say taking my keys.

"Okay! Thanks so much y/n! I'll come over tonight. Byeee!" She says running into her house. I shake my head and check my phone, 9:31 Am. I need to head to the doctors today for a new prescription at 10. Might as well go now. So I drive off to my doctors office.

"Well seeing as escitalopram didn't work well last time, how about we give you sertraline this time. It should help more with those attacks. Just try to control your moods. Deep breathes, eyes close and think of other things. Okay well I think your set Ms. Y/l/n. Just remember to take your other medication as well." Doctor Smith says writing on a sheet of paper. "Okay will do. Thank you so much! I'll be back next month." I say smiling at him. "Of course. Be safe out there." He says and I walk out going to my car.

I decide to just go home and pack Amanda's stuff for her parents to come get. I get home and sigh feeling upset. For someone who takes antidepressants to help with depression, I'm hella depressed. I go into Mandys room and a tear falls down my face. I can't believe this she was here just two days ago and now she's gone. I go to her vanity and see a picture of us making goofy faces. "Fuck Mandy. What am I supposed to do in this cruel world without your loud ass." I chuckle a bit and shake my head. I better get her stuff in the boxes.

After about 4 hours I have most of her stuff packed all that is left is her bed and the bedside tables. I walk out and get water from my kitchen and decide to take a break. My phone goes off and I check it.

Alex: hey... I don't think we should talk anymore
Me: what? Why?
Alex: i just dont feel it tbh and i found someone better
Me: are you serious? You cant tell me you didnt enjoy our coffee date
Alex: you were boring if im honest.
Me: why are you doing this?
Alex: i was just gonna use you anyway
Me: ok... Fuck you man
Alex: next time try to hide your depressed ass self harm better maybe then someone would want you
Alex has blocked you message sent will not be received

She can't be serious. I really thought there could have been something between us. She seemed like she enjoyed our date. Or was it just me being delusional. I throw my phone across the room in anger. God my life is all kinds of fucked up. Nothing can fucking go right! My life is a damn joke!

I sob into my arms and curl up on the couch. I hear my door open then shut and arms wrap around me. "What's wrong mamas?" I hear her say. I hug her tightly and look at her, "Alex told me she didn't want to talk to me anymore." I say. I notice her frown curves up a bit before going back to a pout. "Awe mama's. You don't need her." She says kissing my cheek. I just shrug.

"You really don't y/n. She's just a worthless bitch. You don't need her or anyone. You have me! And I'll be here for you!" She says smiling. I push her away and stand up. "You don't get it Billie, I can't get over her that fast. I really liked the girl. And this isn't just about her! Im upset over Amanda too! You can't just tell me to get over it!" I say and walk towards my room. A hand grips my wrist and pulls me back. "Billie! Can you fuck off! Just leave me alone!" I say trying to get free, but failing. Her hand grips my chin and she forces me to look at her. "I can make you forget." She says her once ocean eyes turn a dark blue. "What are you talking abo-" before I can finish my sentence she kisses me.

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now