3-Billies Pov and Past

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     "Dude! I'm so fucking hyped for this concert!" I yell excited. "You're hype for every concert Bil." Finn says laughing. "Yeahhhh, but I feel like this one's gonna be good!" I say grinning. Today was Friday and I get to perform in my hometown! How exciting! I can't wait for the crowd to be up and wild! Seeing my babies all happy and shit makes me happy too! They give me such good vibes and I fuck with that shit.

     I was currently in my green room when crew came in to tell Finneas and I that we start in five minutes. I was so hype! And this was the perfect way to get all my energy out. "Let's go Finn! Let's make this shit good!" I say to Finn as we walk to the back stage area.

     The lights turn off and that's our que to go out. I could hear all the screams of my babies and it makes me smile. The bass shakes the stadium and my beat starts to play. Soon all the lights turn on and I start singing bad guy. As I'm jumping around on stage my eyes sweep through the crowd.

       My eyes land on a girl with y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. I freeze for a bit. Holy shit that's y/n. Oh fuck what is she doing her? I stumble on the song but quickly fix myself and continue to sing. I don't understand why she's here. She has bad anxiety and I'm worried she'll have an attack. She would always get them when we were younger.

       I kept looking over at her to make sure she was okay. So far so good and I'm almost done. I start to sing I love you when it all goes down hill. I could see her having an attack, a girl was trying to calm her down but it wasn't working. I stop singing and jump up "Stop! Stop the music!" I yell as I head over to the edge of the stage. I could hear whispers amongst the crowd, but I didn't care she needed help.

     "Hey! Hey! Are you okay? Shit. Security! Someone help her!" I say as I start to panic, afraid I might lose her again. "Oh my god is that y/-" before Finneas could finish his sentence I gave him a look to tell him to shut up. I look back over and see security around her trying to help her, but her attack has become uncontrollable. If I were down there I could help her ugh! I call over one of the guards by the stage and whisper, "Go tell my mom to take care of her." I say and he nods. My mom should know what to do, she has taken care of y/n countless times.

      "Hey guys! Sorry about that! Don't worry she will be okay! Let's take a quick breath. Alright! Let's finish this shit!" I say and everyone goes back to how they were before. I hate that I can't go comfort her right now. And I have to go do the meet and greet before I can see her. I just hope she's okay. I know she's most likely taking a nap right now and I'm sure my mom convinced her to stay. I'm just ready to finish the show.

     I finally finish and head off stage seeing my mom. "She's taking a nap in the green room." She says I sigh relieved and nod. "I'll have to check on her after the meet and greet. Can you keep an eye on her mom?" I ask walking to the meet and greet area. She nods at me and heads to the room as I make my way over to my fans.

     I run my hand through my hair and sigh I finally finished and I get to see her now. We walk in the room and she's curled up on the couch. I walk over and lift up her head and set it in my lap. I play with her hair."I can't believe it's really her. It's been so long." Finn says. "Yeah I know, but she doesn't remember us cause of what happened." I reply stroking her hair and she shifts around. "Okay shut up about this now. I don't want her to remember right now." I say as her eyes flutter open. She quickly closes them due to the bright lights and she snuggles into my stomach. Finn and I laugh and she suddenly bolts up from her spot.

     "Holy shit. I'm so sorry!" She says quickly. I laugh, "Don't worry about it mamas. Come sit. How are you feeling?" I ask as she sits down. She shrug, "Okay I guess." I frown. "You know you shouldn't be going to concerts! Especially when you have anxiety attacks like that! What if you got seriously injured y/n!" I yell at her. She squints her eyes at me, "Excuse me? I came here for my best friend Amanda! I wanted her to have a good time! Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? Wait a second, how the fuck do you know my name?" She says angrily.

        "Fuck." I whisper. "Your friend told our security who you were. I'm just trying to look out for you okay? Now calm down mamas. I don't want you having an attack again." I say as calmly as I can. "Don't tell me what to do! I can take care of myself!" She yells getting angrier. "Clearly you can't! Did you forget what just happened!?" I yell at her standing up to tower over her small frame.

      She pushes me back and scowls at me. "I'm leaving!" She says going to the door. As she's about to close it I say, "This isn't over y/n, you'll hear from me soon. I won't lose you again." As soon as it shuts Finn yells at me, "What the fuck Billie! Why did you have to yell at her?" I groan, "Look I don't know! It's out of habit! I was worried is all!" I say back. God I'm so stupid! Mom walks in and looks around confused, "Where did y/n go?" I groan, "Don't wanna talk about it. Can we just go now?" My mom nods and we head out.

I can't believe it's actually y/n. I think it's time to accept her back into my life and make things right. I met y/n a long time ago when we were about 8. She joined the same choir as me and she had no friends. So I decided that I would be her friend. We were very close from that day forward. That is until we were fifteen.

       "Hey uh Bil can I tell you something?" She asks nervously. "Duh! You're my best friend!" I say looking at her. "Uh I'm gay. I like girls." She says. I frown, "Dude that's gross! Stay away from me! You better not like me! Eww!" I say. She tears up and starts to sob. "O-okay." She says as she runs out of my room. No. There's no way she likes girls. That's just no.

        After about an hour or so I sigh and get up. I needed to apologize I was really rude. I walk to Finneas' room and see Finn on his bed. "Finn? Can you come with me to y/n's house? I want to say sorry to her I made her upset." I say. "Yeah sure let's go." We make our way over to y/n's house just five houses down from us. I take her house key out and unlock the door. It's silent. "Y/n?" I call out, but I get no reply. I look at Finn but he looks just as confused as I am. "Maybe her room?" I say and we head upstairs.

      We make it up and I turn to go to her room when I see the bathroom light on and the door slightly open. I go over and push it open and scream so loud. I fall on the floor and crawl to her body."Oh My God!! No!! Call an ambulance you dumbass!" I yell at Finn. I cry harder why would she do this? "You're going to be okay y/n. Why? Why would you do this to yourself. No, to everyone!" I sob out. "There's an ambulance on the way Billie." Finn says and all I can do is nod.

      The paramedics arrive and get her on the stretch. I ask to go with them, but they told me only family. "She's my best friend! Let me go with her! I need to make sure she's okay!" I cried. "I'm sorry miss, but only family can come." She repeated. "Do you know who I am!? I'm Billie Eilish! Let me go Finn! I need to be with her!" I yell as Finneas held me back.

     It's been two days since it happened. We were told that she had memory loss due to a harsh impact on her head. Her parents told us she couldn't even remember them. It was all my fault. If I hadn't been such a bitch about her coming out this wouldn't have happened. So I got the idea that I would just disappear from her life so she would never have to remember it. I told my family and they agreed. But one day I'll enter her life again.

       That was 3 years ago. But I think it's time for me to come back and for her to remember what happened. I really miss her. She was such an amazing girl and I fucked everything up. She's definitely changed a lot. She used to be extremely shy and had no one. But she seems more open now and she even has a friend. It bothers me that she called her, her best friend. That's supposed to be me.

       I've decided that I'm going to text her. Knowing y/n she probably hasn't changed her number. This could go bad, but I need her in my life again.

Me: Hey y/n

Y/n😍💓: um who is this?

Me: you don't know?

Y/n😍💓: if i did i wouldn't have asked

Me: it's Billie

Y/n😍💓: how the fuck did you get my number?

    Shit. What do I tell her? I just wanted her back in my life. I don't want to fuck it up this time.

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now