16- Is this deja vu and Broken Promise? (End)

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We arrived at the apartment I immediately went to my room. I threw my stuff on the floor and walked to my window opening it letting some air in. A few seconds later my door opened. I didn't turn around knowing who it was.

"Get out. Brandon and I are going to use this room." Billie says roughly. I look over my shoulder, Brandon gives me a sorry look. "Why don't you love me? I thought I was girlfriend." I say softly. "I'm not gay y/n. That shits just gross. Now cut this shit out and leave." She says. I walk to my wardrobe and open the bottom drawer. I grab a small box with my sloppy initials and on the middle with sloppy hand writing 'I love you y/n/n! - Billie'

I glance at her and she rolls her eyes pushing me out the door, slamming the door shut in my face. Tears fall down my face as I walk to the bedroom next door. I look at the empty room and cry. "I'm coming Mandy, just wait for me." I close the door and walk into the bathroom across from my room.

I lock the door and stare at my reflection. All I see is a broken girl. I lost my job, my friends, my life. I was trapped in a world I could never escape. I walk to the tub and start filling it up with water as I go back to the mirror. Where did this all go wrong? We were best friends and now she's some crazy bitch.

"Billie? I love you! Forever!" I say to the 11 year old girl on the floor. She looks up from her notebook and smiles. "I love you too y/n! Forever!" She says. I giggle, "Promise?" She nods, "Promise!"

I open up the small box and dump out its contents onto the counter. Tons of little blades fall out, some spilling onto the floor. I grab a few and test them onto my skin searching for the sharpest ones.

"Hey! Y/n/n! Stop running you're gonna get hurt!" Shouted Billie as I ran from her. Suddenly I trip and scrape my knee. I start to cry as Billie catches up to where I am. "I told you! Here stand up!" I stand up grabbing her hand and she cleans my cut of dirt. "There! It's clean but lets get actually cleaned up inside." She says smiling at me. "My little cry baby." She laughs as I pout. She gives me a small peck on my lips making my face go red as she drags me inside.

I walk to my tub shutting the water off. I take off my clothes so I'm just in my bra and panties. I go sit in the tub causing it to splash out onto the floor. I groan realizing I left the blades on the counter. I step out carefully and grab the razors before sitting down and relaxing in the water.

"Billie! We gotta hurry!" I yell running into the house soaking wet from the rain. Billie said she wanted to pick me up from high school since I started attending. It was my freshman year and on the way walking home the rain caught us.

We walk in soaking the floor and she laughs. "Ah shit that was great!" I frown at her and shake my head. "I'm gonna shower so I don't get sick. You do the same after I'm done." I tell her walking to the bathroom. I start the shower and wait till the water is warm before stepping in.

Half way through my shower the curtains are pushed open and I yelp. I look over at Billies body and gawk at her. She steps in shutting the curtains and turns to face me. Her creamy white breasts bouncing in place. She smiles at me, "Didn't wanna waste water. Her let me help you." She says as she hugs me from behind. Her hands slide over my chest with soap and she pinches my nipple causing me to whimper softly.

Her hands then move down to my pussy and she rubs my clit making me moan out loudly. She giggles at the noises I'm making and she kisses my ear gently. "Just relax princess, I'll clean you up nicely."

I bring my left leg over the tub and start to create deep cuts on my thigh. I cry out in pain. Once done I get my other leg and do the same. I look up tears falling from my eyes as I start to do it to my arms as well.

"Ew you're gay?" She says

"Stay away from me!"

"I love you!"

"What have you done?!"

My head starts to spin. Why does this feel so familiar? Is this deja vu? Or am I going crazy? I cry out loudly now sobbing. I'm in full panic mode. Suddenly there's banging on the door. "Y/n! Open the fucking door! What are you doing in there!" I hear Billie yell. I could hear the fear and worry in her voice. "I'm going to see Mandy!" I tell her through my sobs.

Everything goes quite, before the banging starts again faster and louder. "No! Fucking open the door!" I shake my head and apply some more cuts to my skin, reopening old scars. "Fucking open up!" She yells. Suddenly the door nob starts to turn and I panic.

I stood up quickly from the tub and my head starts to spin from the blood loss. I step out and rush to close the door so they wouldn't open it. But I slip on the water from the floor and fall back hitting my head with edge of the tub. I let out a loud scream and my vision goes blurry and I close my eyes. I could hear the bathroom door open.

Screaming. That's all I heard, "Oh My God!! No!! Call an ambulance you dumbass!" An angelic voice yelled. I open my eyes slightly but everything is a blur. "You're going to be okay y/n. Why? Why would you do this to yourself. No, to everyone! Why would you do this again!" The voice cried. A female i assumed by the voice. I opened my eyes, but I couldn't make out much. But who is she? And how does she know me? Why does everything seem so familiar. I feel like this exact situation has happened before.

Suddenly I'm lifted up onto something and there's yelling and crying. "She's my girlfriend! Let me go with her! I need to make sure she's okay!" The girl cried. I wasn't sure what happened from there, but I decided to just close my eyes.

I awake to a bright white room and to a beeping noise. I'm in a hospital room. I look around not sure of what's going on. Suddenly the door opens a girl with green roots and black ends gasps at me and the nurse next to her rushes out calling out doctor. The girl rushes to me and grabs my hands. "Oh y/n! You're okay!" She cries out. I stare at the odd girl and pull my hands away from her. "Um who's y/n and who are you? Don't touch me like you know me." I say. Her eyes widen and she cries loudly.

Soon a doctor and a few nurses rush in and push the girl out as she shouted profanities. A man with redish hair hugs her as the door is shut and the doctor starts talking to me.

After what seems to be hours of him asking all these questions, the girl, along with a few other people were let inside the room. The doctor talked to them quietly as if I was not here. "She has severe memory loss. Most likely caused from when she hit her head. She has learned her name is y/n. But there is nothing that will help her get her memories back from her past." The doctor says and nods at them before stepping out.

"Hey y/n. I'm Billie, you're girlfriend." She says softly. I smile, "Hello Billie. I'm sorry I don't remember you." I say she gives me a sad look. "It's better that you don't." She whispers. I frown, "What?" I ask. "Nothing y/n. Look this is Finneas my brother, his girlfriend Claudia, my mom Maggie and my dad Patrick."

After getting to know the family a little better they all left to give us some alone time. "I'm so sorry y/n." She says crying softly. I stare at her in question. Not knowing why she would apologize to me. "You're okay. There's nothing to be sorry about." I say and that makes her cry harder.

"I love you y/n." She says. My heart drops for some reasons. All of a sudden I feel insecure, but I'm not sure why. The door opens to reveal a dark tall man. Billie turns around and smiles, "Hey Brandon." My heart aches at her smile for him. I look at her and I start crying. "Baby what's wrong?" She asks turning to me, she glances back at the man, Brandon. She gets a look of shock then guilt. She hugs me softly placing a kiss on my ear some how calming me down as the man leaves the room.

"Promise?" I say sniffling. She looks confused, "Promise what?" She asks playing with my hair. "Promise you love me?" I say quietly. She looks at me and hesitates, but smiles. "Of course Princess. I promise." She kisses my forehead and I smile sadly. Why does it feel as if it's already a broken promise.


Bam! That's the end y'all. Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned to some more books coming out soon! You guys have a good one! Much love!

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now