6-Coffee date and jealousy

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       I woke up this morning at six. I barely got any sleep due to my excitement. I currently had an hour and a half left till we were supposed to meet. Alex and I have been texting all morning since we both couldn't sleep. I decided to text Billie as well just saying I accept her apology. She asked to hang out today but I told her I had a date and she left me on read. Okay rude as fuck, but whatever.

      I was getting ready and wore a cute black skirt with a cute pink top. Both long enough to cover my insecurities. My hair was down and I was all set. I took my meds and headed out to my car. I text Alex that I'm on my way and she tells me she is too. I get to my car and drive off to the location.

     I get to the park downtown and park my car. I walk around the park until I notice someone familiar on a bench. "Alex!" I say and she turns around and stands up. She smiles and hugs me. "Hey y/n!" We pull back and she looks me up and down and I do the same. She's wearing jeans and a graphic t-shirt. I look up to her face she's not wearing much make up apart from mascara and chap stick. Her emerald eyes stare deeply into mine. "You look pretty." She says smiling. I blush, "Thank you. You look pretty too." I say smiling like crazy. She laughs and I start laughing too.

      "Let's go?" She asks holding out her hand for me to take. I grin, "Let's go!" I take her hand and we make our way to the coffee shop. I look down to our hands and I squeal from the inside. I can't believe this is happening! It's been so long since I've tried going out with a girl. After my last break up I decided to just focus on work. I'm hopping that this date goes well.

      We walk into this cute modern coffee house. We ordered and sat down in the back where a tv was playing the news and a large window was displaying the sunny day. I look at Alex in awe as she talks not really listening to her. "Are you even listening y/n?" She asks with an eyebrow raised. I blush, "uh sorry. I just couldn't help it. You're really pretty." I say quietly. She smirks, "Yeah? Thanks love. But take a sip I promise you it's good." She says. I nod and drink the coffee and smile brightly. "Wow! It's really good!" I say.

      We continue to chat with the tv playing in the back. If you know of Jaden Hemmings or spot him please report him to the police. Officials say he is a loose serial killer. His name sounds familiar, but I ignore it. "When do you go back to work?" Alex asks me. "I go back on Thursday." I say. "Then lets hang ou-" Alex is cut off by someone slamming their hands on the table. We both look up and are met with an angry Billie. "No. She's not. Y/n you said we were going to hang out! And you ditch me, your best friend for a date?" She says pouting, but the look in her eyes tell me something else.

     "Billie. I told you I was busy." I say glaring at her. "Liar! You said you would hang out with me!" She says getting angry. "Uh you know what y/n I have to go. I'll text you later. Bye." Alex says clearly uncomfortable and stands up walking to the door. "No! Alex! Hold on! Just wa-" I try to chase after her, but Billie holds my arm tightly. I yank my hand back about to catch up with Alex, but she's gone. I groan upset that she left. I grab my stuff and head out walking back to the park.

    "Hey! Y/n/n! Wait up will you!" I hear Billie say, but I ignore her and continue to walk faster. A hand grabs my waist and I'm pulled back. "What Billie! What the hell do you want! You ruined my fucking date!" I say angry. "I-I know. I'm sorry. I was just jealous that you were with her. I don't want my best friend to get in a relationship and forget about me." She says tearing up. I sigh and hug her. "It's okay Billie. But I wouldn't forget about you after I just remembered everything." I say. She just nods her head and smiles lightly.

     We make our way to my car and get in. "Oh! Shit I forgot my wallet back at café!" Billie says. "I'll drive over there and you get it and then we'll go to my place." I say as I drive to the coffee shop. She jumps out and goes inside. I hear a phone go off and it's Billies. I pick it up and look at the notification. A text from Que and what? Y/n current location Mystics Coffee House. Wait what the hell? She has a fucking gps tracker on me? I see her coming back and I place the phone down. "I found it!" Billie says cheerfully. I just nod and drive off.

      Why does she have a tracker on me? How long has she had it? This isn't cool. I'll ask her once we get to my place. The ride is silent, except for the radio playing silently and Billie finger tapping against her phone as she texts someone, I assume is most likely Que. We make it back to my apartment and it's still empty. I wonder where Amanda is? She's probably still out fucking her new mans. Billie takes a seat on the couch and I go in the kitchen to get some water. I walk back out and stand in front of her.

        "Billie? Can we talk?" I ask. She looks up and smiles, "Sure mamas what about?" She ask. "Uh um well when you went to get your wallet your phone went off. And I checked it to make sure it wasn't something urgent and I-I noticed a notification and it showed my location. W-why do you have that?" I ask nervously. Her blue eyes become dark and her eyebrows crease in anger. She stands up and walks to me as I step back. "Why are you going through my phone y/n? You know you shouldn't go through other people stuff. Was that all you saw y/n? WAS THAT ALL YOU SAW!?" She yells at me trapping me in between her and the wall.

     "Y-yes Billie! That's all I saw I swear!" I say scared. Billie stares me in the eyes and I start to panic more. I let out a loud sob and cover my face with my hands. "I'm I'm sorry B-Billie. I w-won't do it again." I say in between my sobs. She sighs and pulls me to her. She runs her hand through my hair and takes me to the couch. She sits down and pulls me onto her lap. "Shhh y/n. You're okay. It's okay. I forgive you mamas." She says. She turns me to her as she does the same thing as last time to calm me down. A kiss on my forehead, my nose, left cheek, right cheek, then on my ear which earns the same reaction as last time.

     She giggles at my reaction and hugs me tightly. "I only have a tracker on you to make sure your safe y/n. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I don't want a repeat of the past." She says. I just nod tired from crying. "Take a nap princess. I'll be right here okay?" She says and I nod. She lays me down on the couch and she sits at the end of it. My eyes start to close and I feel the couch move. I open my eyes a bit to see Billie walking down the hall and entering my room. Too tired to get up and stop her I close my eyes and sleep.

      I'm awoken to loud bangs on the front door. I jolt up scared and see Billie on the couch looking to the door. I get up and go answer it. I see two police officers and I look at them confused. "Hello ma'am. Is this where Amanda Raylinds lives?" He asks me. "Uh yeah she does, but she's not here right now." I say. They look at each other then at me, "Ma'am what is your relationship with Ms. Raylinds?" He asks me. "Well she's my friend and roommate. Did Amanda forget to pay her speeding ticket? I'll make sure to tell her when she gets back." I say to them. They give me a sad smile, "I'm sorry ma'am, but Ms. Raylinds is dead."

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