4-Memories and second chance

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Me: how the fuck did you get my number?

Billie: look can we meet up tomorrow or sum? I'll explain everything

Me: fine, but no stalling pick me up at (address) here

Billie: alright see you tomorrow mamas. Goodnight

Me: night

      What the fuck is going on dude? How in the fuck did she get my number? Explain everything? What's everything!? This shit is annoying as fuck. She better explain shit cause it's creepy as fuck. I should just go to bed and worry about it tomorrow or rather later since its already two in the morning.

      I woke up to the sun beaming down my face and I groan. Honestly I might just go back to bed and wake up tomorrow. But then I realize I have to meet up with Billie. I sigh and get ready for the day. Once I'm dressed I take my medication and walk out into the living room.

      "Ooh! Y/n! I'm going out with that hottie from the concert! I'll be back late or maybe tomorrow? Who knows! See ya later lovely!" Amanda says skipping out the door. What a weird girl. I lay on the couch and turn on the tv waiting for Billie to arrive.

      An hour goes by and I finally receive a message that she is here. I turn off the tv and grab my keys and heading out to the front. I see her car and hop in. "Hey." Billie says quietly. "Hi." I say. She sighs and drives off. "Uh so where are we going?" I ask. "My house." Was her response. I nod and observe her. Her right hand was on the wheel driving, her left hand on my thigh playing with her rings.

      "Hey uh y/n/n can I tell you something?" A soft voice says. A voice I recognize from previous flash backs. I look to the girl. I can't make out her face, but she has blonde hair this time. "Well duh! We are best friends! Don't be nervous silly." I say. "How? How did you know?" She asks. "Everytime you get nervous you play with your rings." I respond proudly. She laughs, "I want to dye my hair gray. What do you think?" She asks. "Ooh! Yes! Gray would look so good on you Bi-."

      "Y/n? Are you good?" Billie says snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Oh uh yeah sorry." I say. "Hey did you ever dye your hair gray in the past?" I ask. She glances at me confused, "Uh yeah why?" She asks. "No reason I was just wondering. Amanda was talking about it the other day so I decided to ask." I say shrugging. She nods her head, "Okay then." I continue to observe her. I notice she's biting her bottom lip. "What do you want?" I ask. "What?" She asks confused. "I-I uh nevermind." I say quietly.

      "What do you want?" I ask the girl. "Uh what?" She says. "Everytime you bite your lip you always want something. So what do you want?" I ask again. "You know too well. But I mean that bag of talkis look really good." She says. I walk over to the bag and pick it up, "Of course you want talkis. Only you would want them right now Bil-"

          I shake my thoughts away as my head starts to hurt. We start to pass through a neighborhood that looks very familiar. "Hey! My parents live there." I say excitedly as I point to a house. "I know." She whispers softly. "What?" I ask. "Nothing. We're almost there." She says. I nod as we get closer to our destination.

     She pulls into a drive way that looks familiar. I look up at the house. A pretty home, very simple. "We're here come on." She says getting out. But I don't get out. I stare at the house confused.

     "Come on y/n! Let's go to my house! And we can ask your mom if you can spend the night!" The soft voice giggled. Her gray hair bouncing with every step she took. "Okay! Let's go!" I say. We made our way to her house. The house was a pretty, but simple home. Nothing fancy, but not run down. Definitely a family home. She runs up to the door, "Hurry up slowpoke!" She says. "Hey! Wait up Bil-"

      "Y/n are you sure you're okay?" Billie asks staring at me worried. "Sorry yeah. I just spaced out. Let's go inside." I say. We make it inside and up to her room. "Well this is my humble abode. Have a seat. Want anything?" She asks jumping on the bed. The warm red lights making her beauty glow. Above her bed a Louis Vuitton blanket hung. I stared at it. Why do I feel like I've seen This before.

     Warm red lights surrounded us as we laugh on her bed. "Hey y/n I wanna show you something. You'll be the first to ever see this too! So let's keep it a secret? I trust you." She says playing with her rings. "Okay! I promise!" I say. She moves to stand on her bed and removes the Louis Vuitton blanket. It falls on the bed and a bunch or drawings, scribbles and words are engraved into the wall. "Wow! That's so cool!" I say in awe. "Thanks! I love you so much y/n!" She says tackling me to the floor. I giggle, "I love you too Billie!"

      I look over at Billie in shock. "Billie?" I whisper. She looks up and hums in response. "Why?" I say looking into those piercing blue eyes. "What?" She asks sitting up looking confused. "Don't play stupid! You knew this was going to happen didn't you. So why? Why would you do this now." I ask crying softly "Y/n don't cry. Yes I knew this was going to happen. I just never thought I would see you again, but I did. I couldn't let you go this time." She says softly standing up.

      "But why! Why would you leave me in the first place!" I ask. "I thought you would hate me! I wasn't a good friend! I hurt you and I didn't mean it! It was all my fault." She says as tears fall down her cheeks. "I would have forgiven you! How could you assume what I did was your fault Billie?! Don't assume everything has to be about you! Should I even fucking be here?!" I ask starting to lose control of my emotions. Billie realizes, "Hey hey. Y/n you need to calm down okay?" She says taking a small step to me.

       "Calm down? Calm down! How can I be calm Billie?! I just got my memories of someone who was my best friend. Then you just leave and now barge back into my life like nothing even happened!" I yell. The room seems to be spinning and closing in on me. I begin to panic my cries becoming louder. Suddenly arms enclose around my waist I'm pulled down onto a lap. From what I can tell it's Billie. One hand plays with my hair as another grips my waist to keep me from falling. I continue to sob not being able to calm down. A kiss is placed on my forehead, then my left cheek, right cheek, and my nose. Her lips reach my ear placing a soft kiss on it. I grip her shirt and gasp softly. I can feel her lips pull into a smile. Somehow she successfully calmed me down, distracting my thoughts by her actions.

        "I'm sorry y/n. Please forgive me. I never wanted to hurt you. I love you." She says hugging me tightly. I think about it. It couldn't hurt to give her a second chance. "Okay. I'll give you a second chance." I say and she smiles. "Thank you. So much y/n. I won't fuck up this time." She says. I nod and yawn. "I think it's time for a nap. We can talk more when we wake up okay?" She asks. I just nod too tired to talk. She lays me down under the covers and she gets in next to me. She pulls me closer to her and she kisses my forehead. "I love you." She says. "I love you too." I respond closing my eyes.

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now