8-kiss and girlfriend?

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She's kissing me? I push her back breaking the kiss and she pouts. "What the hell are you doing Billie? That's not cool." I say shaking my head. "I'm helping you forget about what happened." She says smiling. "Billie, your idea of helping me forget is making me upset dude. I can't just forget it like it didn't happen, because it did." I say glaring at her. She rolls her eyes at me, "I know y/n/n, but I just wanted to make you feel better, okay?" She says walking closer to me.

"Go Billie, I just want to be alone this time." I say getting annoyed. She, however, continues to step to me. I step back when I look in her eyes, her eyes are clouded by lust and mischief. "B-Billie?" I whisper scared. She presses me against the wall, her chest in my face due to hight difference, her knee in between mine, and her arms beside my face. I look up at her and her hand caresses my face. "Let me help you forget princess." She says, but I shake my head no.

Suddenly her knee presses into my crotch and I gasp. I look up to her, my eyes pleading her to stop as I squirm trying to get away from her knee. She smirks seeing my reaction and presses against it harder. "P-please Bil. S-stop" I say in between a gasp. "Your body tells me something else mamas." She says grinning. Suddenly her lips crash on to mine. I attempt to push her away, but she only pushes against me more. Her knee moves in a circular motion against me and I gasp, gripping her shirt tightly. Her tongue takes it's opportunity and slips in.

I melt into the kiss as we fight for dominance. She wins and explores my mouth. Her hands roam my body as mine do the same. We pull away panting for air. She smirks, "You want me to stop?" She asks and eyebrow raised. "If you don't shut the fuck up and kiss me I will." I say glaring at her. She chuckles and kisses me again, but with more passion. She grabs my thigh pulling it up and I jump up wrapping my legs around her waist.

I press myself into her and my hands roam her hair. I pull on it and she lets out a moan and pulls back from the kiss. I smirk and pull her hair harder giving me access to her neck. I kiss down her neck, until she lets out a breathy moan and her hands tighten around my thighs. I abuse the spot and suck hard creating a hickey. Suddenly I'm thrown on a bed softly and the bed dips. I make eye contact with her icy blue orbs and I smile. She removes her shirt and pants as I do the same.

She leans down and begins kissing my neck creating dark marks. With every moan I make her sucking becomes rougher. "B-Billie! Please!" I beg annoyed at her antics. Her hand grips my neck tightly, but not tight to hurt me, and I gasp. She gives me a sinister smile, "It's daddy to you." She says applying pressure and I moan. "Daddy! Please!" I say before she roughly kisses me. Her hand slips into my panties and rubs my clit. "Ah! Daddy! Y-yes! M-mo-more!" I beg. "So wet for me babygirl." She says she pulls her fingers out and pops them into her mouth. She keeps eye contact as my mouth hangs open, I can feel myself get wetter.

"Mm you taste good baby. I can't wait to taste your cum." She says and roughly yanks my underwear off. Her finger plunge deep into me causing me to scream out. "That's it baby. Let everyone know who's pleasing you." She says pounding her fingers into me. "Daddy! Ahh! I'm I'm going to cum!" I scream out. "Beg for it." She demands gripping my throat. I moan, "F-Fuck. Daddy. P-please. Let me cum for you. Daddy!" I manage to get out. Her grip tightens on me and she goes faster causing me to moan more and more not sure if I'd be able to hold it anymore. "Cum princess." She says.

And on command I do as she says. I scream out her name as she rides my high out. I pant for air when she removes her hand from my throat. Suddenly I feel her tongue on me and I whimper. "S-stop. I'm s-sensitive." I say pushing her head away. She grips my wrists and licks me clean with me letting out small moans and whimpers. "Mmm you taste amazing baby. Why don't you taste your self." She says bringing two fingers to my lips covered in my juices. I part them and her fingers slip into my mouth. I suck on them tasting myself and twirl my tongue around them while looking into her eyes.

I part my lips slightly but continue to lick them. I stare at her and her lips part as she stares at my lips. She slips her fingers out and smiles at me. And pecks my lips before laying down next to me her arms around my waist. "That was amazing." I say. "Yeah it. It really was." She says. "I uh y/n? Will you be mine?" She asks and I can feel her fingers fidgeting against my waist. I think about it. Should I? I mean I liked her before, but then all that mess happened.

Okay! I gotta man up and tell her I like her! "Y/n/n! What are you thinking about? I've called your name five times already!" Billie says frowning. "Uh sorry I just got distracted." I say laughing nervously. "Ooh! About what? A boy!?" She says grinning evilly at me. No, I'm thinking about you. "Uh actually." I say nervously and she looks at me patiently waiting for my response.

"Hey uh Bil can I tell you something?" I finally ask nervously. "Duh! You're my best friend!" She says looking at me. "Uh I'm gay. I like girls." I say. I see her frown, "Dude that's gross! Stay away from me! You better not like me! Eww!" She says. I tear up and start to sob. "O-okay." I say as I run out of her room. And to my house. I didn't think she would react this way. I thought best friends were supposed to support each other.

Maybe it's okay. She likes me now right? So maybe I'll give this a try. It'll help me with everything. Not only that, but she seems to be the only person who can calm me down during a panic attack. And I still have deep feelings for her. I guess when my memory about her was gone so did my feelings, but now that I remember her it's like my feelings returned, it feels as if they have always been there even though that's not the case. I guess I just really tried to suppress my feelings and try it out with Alex, but that clearly didn't work out. "Y/n?" She says after a while of me not responding. Her eyes show hope and something I can't figure out. I smile at her and kiss her softly. "Of course I'll be yours." I say. She smiles brightly, but I can tell she's tired. "Goodnight Billie." I say. "Goodnight mamas. I love you." She says holding me closer. "I love you too." I say as I hear her quiet snores go around the room.

I wake up early in the morning having to go to the bathroom really bad. I look to the side and see Billie still deeply asleep cuddling a pillow. I get up and use the restroom. After I finish I decide to get a little snack from the kitchen cause I'm kinda hungry. I get a granola bar and some water. Suddenly I hear a phone go off on the counter. It's Billies phone. I know she told me not to look through her phone and I swore I wouldn't, but something was telling me to look. I saw two messages from two different people.

Que👅💦😍: when you coming mamas? I can't wait to have fun with you baby

That bitch Alex: look I did what you asked me to. Just leave me and my family alone. I wont talk to y/n anymore.

What the fuck? She's fucking around with this Que dude and she told Alex not to talk to me anymore? What the hell is going on? This isn't right, but I can't say anything. I don't want a repeat of last time she found out I went through her phone. I'm about to put the phone back down when her phone goes off again the screen lighting up.

Jaden:thanks Bil. I got it covered. That Amanda chick was annoying af. Def glad she dead. Don't worry tho nothing's linked to you
Jaden:I'm leaving state, pleasure doing business with you

What? Billie knows the dude that killed Amanda? And business? What business? What's going on? I'm so confused and I don't know how to feel. Are these the people I'm thinking about or are they people with the same name? It has to be, too many things line up. But why? I need to figure out what's going on.

"What are you doing y/n?"

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now