2-Panic attack and unknown number

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It was finally Friday. The day of the concert. Amanda has been gushing all about seeing her favorite singer, well the singers brother. I've been dealing with her none stop screaming since 7 in the morning that I wish I didn't call in to work. We had about an hour till we had to leave. Amanda has been getting ready for 3 hours so far and I'm barley going to get dressed.

I put on some skinny jeans and a black adidas hoodie. To go with it I put on my black adidas running shoes. Fuck make up I don't feel like wearing any. I brush my hair and leave it down. I take two antidepressants and I walk to Amanda's room and open the door as she sprays more perfume than she probably should on herself. "Um you ready?" I ask her. She turns to me and frowns, "You coulda dressed a little nicer yanno?" She says putting her shoes on. "Sorry bitch I didn't know we were going to a photo shoot." I say sarcastically.

"Haha y/n. Just go start the car hoe. Don't forget the tickets!" She says as I walk out. She's too much man. I grab the keys and tickets and head to start the car. I have nothing against Billie her music is great, it's just concerts aren't my thing. I get hella anxiety if there's a lot of people. But for Amanda I'll do it. I see her and she sits down. "Let's get going!!!" She says blasting the radio. Here we go I guess.

We make it in and to where our spots are, right in front of the stage. Amanda squeals and takes pictures. More and more people pile in and I start to get nervous. Soon the arena goes pitch black and everyone starts to scream. The bass shakes the floor and suddenly Billie appears singing bad guy. Amanda screams loudly and people are jumping. I look up to Billie and she makes eye contact with me her eyes widen and she messes up her lyrics, but quickly fixes herself and her eyes leave mine.

I look down trying to stay calm. She's played most of her songs with her constantly looking at me as if making sure I was okay. She started to sing I love you. For some reason i started to panic even more. "Hey y/n/n? Are okay? Is it your anxiety? Shit I forgot!" Amanda says holding my hand as I start to panic more. The music stops and everyone is whispering. "Hey! Hey! Are you okay? Shit. Security! Someone help her!" I could hear Billie say. At those three words I screamed and started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god. Is that y/-" I heard Finneas whisper in the mic. Amanda was freaking out and security was trying to get me out. I look back up to the stage and see Billie whispering to one of the security and nods then looks at me. Worry and guilt is in her eyes. But why? She doesn't know me. I'm dragged out into the hall with Amanda. I'm crying, but I can't let Amanda's fun night be ruined. "Mandy? Go back and finish the show. Please? I'll just wait for you." I say in between sobs. She looks at me worried about to protest. "No. Just go okay? Have fun." I say.

She nods and hugs me tightly, "I love you y/n/n." She says. "I love you too Mandy." With that she walks back in. "Hey I'm okay. I'm just going to go to my car and wait. Is that fine?" I say to the security, but before they can answer someone else speaks up. "No y/- uh hun. Please come with me. We want to make sure you're okay." A gentle voice says. I look at the woman, Maggie. I shake my head, "That's kind of you, but I'll be okay." I say as I yawn my eyelids close a bit. She smile and wraps her arm around me, "Just take a nap hun. Then you can leave okay? We just want to make sure you're okay." She says again.

I just nod at her not paying attention due to how my panic attack tired me out. She lays me down on a couch in a room. And I quickly start to doze off. "It's nice to see you again y/n." I heard a voice say as a door is shut and sleep takes over my body.

"I can't believe it's really her. It's been so long." A voice says. "Yeah I know, but she doesn't remember us cause of what happened." Another voice says. Someone strokes my hair and I shift around. "Okay shut up about this now. I don't want her to remember right now." The voice says and my eyes flutter open. I close them quickly as the bright lights sting my eyes and I snuggle into what I thought was the couch. Laughter is heard around the room. I bolt up and look at where I was laying.

My head had been in Billies lap. I gasp, "Holy shit. I'm so sorry!" I say quickly. She laughs, "Don't worry about it mamas. Come sit. How are you feeling?" She asks as I sit down. I shrug, "Okay I guess." She frowns. "You know you shouldn't be going to concerts! Especially when you have anxiety attacks like that! What if you got seriously injured y/n!" She yells at me. I squint my eyes at her, "Excuse me? I came here for my best friend Amanda! I wanted her to have a good time! Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? Wait a second, how the fuck do you know my name?" I say angrily.

"Fuck." She whispers. "Your friend told our security who you were. I'm just trying to look out for you okay? Now calm down mamas. I don't want you having an attack again." She says. "Don't tell me what to do! I can take care of myself!" I yell getting angrier. "Clearly you can't! Did you forget what just happened!?" She yells at me standing up over me. It slightly intimidated me, but I wasn't backing down.

I push her back and scowl at her. "I'm leaving!" I say going to the door. As I'm about to close it she says, "This isn't over y/n, you'll hear from me soon. I won't lose you again." Lose me? Again? As soon as the door closes yelling starts inside. I could tell Finneas and Billie are yelling at each other, but I didn't care. I just want to go home. I walk out if the venue and to the car where I see Amanda standing by. She looks up and smiles.

"You better now? Security told me you were resting. You came just in time the meet and greet was over 10 minutes ago and I met this hot guy!" She says gushing. I laugh, "Tell me all about it on the way home." I say getting in the car starting it. "Okay girl! Let me just tell you he is a fine ass man!" She starts and continues to ramble about this man.

"Damn girl! You get it! But I'm going to bed now! See you in the morning! Night!" I say walking into my room. I change into my pajamas and my phones goes off. Who would text me at one in the morning? I look at it, an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey y/n

Me: um who is this?

Unknown: you don't know?

Me: if i did i wouldn't have asked

Unknown: it's Billie

What? No. There's now way. Maybe I'm just going crazy. But if this really is billie, how did she get my number?

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now