12-Bilies pov and I can't help it?

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I've been on tour for a while now and it's so surreal! Seeing all my fans having fun and getting to meet them. It's honestly such an amazing feeling. But I do miss y/n. I know I treat her badly and I can see she's scared of me, but I'm just trying to protect her. I don't want to lose her like that again.

But then there's Brandon. I love him so much, he gives me everything I need. He's so amazing and great in bed. I know I'm dating y/n but I can't help it. I hate to say it but I do love Brandon more in that way. Maybe I don't love y/n like that, but I know I don't want her with anyone else. I want her with me and only me where I can keep her safe.

Seeing her with that one girl, Amanda? I don't know and I don't really care what her name is. But just seeing her with her all laughing and shit made me mad. When y/n said she was her best friend it made me livid because I'm her best friend. I had to get rid of her so then y/n would only have me. And it worked so well.

But then that one whore came in, sam? Chris? Alex? Fuck, one of them decided to get her number and talk to her like they could be something. Hell no, there's no way I'm letting y/n get into any kind of relationship. So I had to find a way to get her to stay away from my y/n. I threatened her and it worked, she's a fucking little bitch.

So here I am laying in bed with Brandon inside of me. "Mm fuck daddy right there." I say scratching his back. He thrusts harder and grunts. I moan loudly feeling myself getting close. "I'm almost there." I breathe out. "Me too. Together?" He says and I smile. "Always." And we came together. He gets off of me and kisses me passionately. "I'm going to shower I'll be back." I just nod going to my phone and calling my princess.

"Hey baby! I miss you so much!" I say in cheery voice. She smiles, "Yeah miss you too Bil." She says. I was talking and talking, telling her all about my day. I noticed her staring at my chest where all the hickeys were visable. I frowned and knew she was thinking of things she shouldn't be. "Princess? Are you listening?" I say pouting. Before she could respond Brandon came back into the room with just a towel around his hips. "Hey baby? What you doing?" I smile and quickly hung up on y/n. "Just talking to y/n, but she had to go. So I'm all yours now." I say smiling, but I text y/n to let her know I had stuff to do.

Billie: sorry mamas. Ill call you back later okay?

I saw that she opened the text, but she didn't respond so I got mad. I hate when she doesn't respond to me. How could I make sure she's safe. I decide to leave for an hour or two then text her again and give her a warning. "Are we going out?" Brandon asks. I nod my head changing into my outfit.

There have been multiple posts and pictures going around social media about me and Brandon. When I found that out I banned y/n from all social media platforms. I didn't need her seeing that, it would cause problems. I made sure she deleted everything, we got into a fight about it. But she knew better and deleted them all. I hated seeing her cry I don't want her to cry, I'm just protecting her.

It's been over 9 hours and I've been texting and calling y/n but she isn't answering. I've had enough of her shit. She's going to get it when she responds. She knows she always has to answer me no matter what shes doing. I can't make sure she's okay without her texting me. I check her location and she's at a cafe, the one she works at. I sigh relieved, but I'm still pissed. It's been 20 minutes, I look over the texts I sent about to text her again when I get a response.

Me: sorry mamas. Ill call you back later okay?
Me: mamas?
Me: y/n i swear if you dont answer my calls youre gonna get it
Me: wtf are doing y/n! Answer the damn phone!
Me: thats it. You're gonna get it.
Babygirl: im sorry Billie i was at work
Me: idc where you were. When i call or text you answer is that clear?
Babygirl: yes
Ne: yes what?
Babygirl: yes daddy
Me: good. I have important things to do. Dont let this happen again. I love you babygirl
Babybirl: love you too

Maybe I'm being too harsh on her, but she need to learn that I'm only doing it for her safety. Brandon walks up to me and kisses my neck. He then gets a phone call and walks out. I'm supposed to go see my princess today. So I pack a few things since I'm gonna have to head back out here once I'm done. I walk to Brandon who is still on the phone and kiss him before leaving to the airport.

I finally arrive back into town and head to her apartment. Once I get there I unlock the door and step in. It's quiet and the lights are off. I frown she shouldn't be out anywhere. She didn't even ask me if it was okay. I feel myself getting mad. I quickly check her location, she's at some bar. Oh she's gonna fucking get it.

I call her and she picks up. H-Hello?" She stutters out. "Where are you." I ask in a firm voice. "I'm uh out?" She say questioning herself. "I won't repeat myself. Where. Are. You." I growl at her and the line is silent.

"At a bar." She say quietly. "Did I say you could go out?" I says. "Did I say you could fuck Brandon? No I didn't think so." She says confidently. I get mad really mad at the fact that she said that. "Go home." I say. "I don't listen to yo-" i interrupt her before she can finish, "Now." I say gripping the phone tightly. "Okay." She whisper out and I hang up.

She was going to get it. She knew she was. And I was ready to teach her a lesson. She shouldn't make assumptions about Brandon and I Yes we fuck but I still love her. She's mine and only mine.

Current day~

I had my princess in my lap crying loudly. I know she's hurting but it's for her own good. I can't have her doing dangerous things like that. Maybe I should bring her with me for the last few weeks of tour. That way I can watch her and not worry about her being bad.

I bounce her in my lap and rub her back as her sobbing quiets down. I take a look at her and notice she's fallen asleep. I smile at her and put her in bed. I stare at my beautiful girl. "I'm just doing this protect you. I can't lose you again princess." I say softly stroking her hair. I can't help the way I am I'm sorry angel. But I'm doing my best to protect you.

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