11-Disobey and I'm my own person?

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    "Good girl. Don't disappoint mamas. So go on, please me."

       She sits on the edge of the bed as she takes her shorts off. I make my way in front of her and kneel down so I'm eye level with her pussy. I look up to see her intently staring at me. I look at her wet panties and my mouth waters.

     I place gentle kisses in her inner thighs and I hear her sigh out. I suck lightly on her skin, but she pulls my hair. "No marks babygirl." I frown but obey her just leaving open mouth kisses. I get to her core and place a soft kiss before pulling her panties down. I press my tongue on her clit and she groans pushing her hips up to get more pleasure. "Stop teasing baby, get to work. Now." She says roughly pushing my head into her. I do as I'm told and suck on her clit roughly. "Fuck baby just like that."

      I shove two fingers in her and curl them making her moan loudly. I thrust into her and suck hard. "Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Princess! I'm so fucking close!" She moans out. I take my fingers out and shove my tongue in her. She then cums, it drips onto my tongue. "Swallow." She says griping my hair. I lick her clean and swallow her juices. She pulls me up onto her and I lay on her chest.

       "You need to learn to stop disobeying me princess." She says playing with my hair. I don't say anything, feeling upset. "Good night mamas." She says and I close my eyes. I hear a phone ringing and she picks up. "What up?" She says still playing with my hair. "Mm yeah? What you gonna do daddy?" My heart drops. "Fuck. Yeah baby? I'll return the favor. On my knees for you as I suck your cock." She says, her hand slides down my body. I feel her leg slide in between mine and she lifts it up. My body slides up a little and she bounces her leg softly creating friction my core.

      I whimper at the feeling and she giggles. "Mm. You're making me so fucking wet." She says into the phone. She grips my ass and drags her hand down the side of my thigh. I feel her hand by my thigh, she's touching herself. "God I wish you were here baby so you could make me feel so good." She says moaning into the phone.

    I can't believe she's doing this. I'm right here next to her, no, on top of her "asleep" and she's having phone sex? I don't understand how she can do this to me when I'm right here. She yells at me for assuming shit when it's all true! My throat closes as I feel my eyes burn. I want to cry, but I cant knowing she'll hurt me. I breathe deeply trying to ignore her. And soon I fall asleep to her cheating yet again.

      I wake up early, she's on the bed facing away from me. I tear up and cry quietly, getting out of bed and to the bathroom to shower. I wash up, crying trying not to sob. I finish and wrap a towel around me and stare into the mirror. What's happening? What happened to Billie? Why is she acting this way? This isn't the girl I know. I dont even know who this is anymore.

      "Y/N! Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I hear Billie scream as i get dressed. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked to the living room where she was yelling. "I'm right here Billie." I say, she turns around and glares at me. "Who said you could get up and leave?" She says walking to me. "Billie I was in the damn shower!" I say getting mad.

      "How was I supposed to know that? You didn't even ask for permission to go shower." She says looking down at me. I scoff, "Didn't know I needed fucking permision to shower in MY shower!" I glare at her as she does the same. The hight difference making it difficult for me to keep the tough act up.

       "Well now you know princess. Ask for permission all the time. And you can't wear that, there's too much skin showing." She says gripping my arm, dragging me to the room. "Oh wow didn't know we were back in fucking school. Fuck off Billie! I'll wear what I want to wear! I'm my own person!" I say pulling my hand from her grip but failing. She pulls me roughly and I fall on the floor.

       She walks to me and she glares down at me making me feel small. "You really like to disobey don't you? I think you forget I'm in charge princess. So if I say something you do it. It's getting on my nerves how many rules you've broken." She says stepping on my chest causing me to fall flat on the floor. My hands reach out for her foot to remove it, but she applies more pressure.

      "What fucking rules Billie! I don't have rules for fuck sake! I'll say it again. I'm. My. Own. Person." I seethe out. Her foot applies more pressure to where it was, actually starting to hurt me. I tried prying it off and scratching but nothing. "You really are fucking testing me babygirl. I own you! Do you hear me! You're fucking MINE." She says roughly. Tears fall down my cheek and I shake my head. "No! No!" I say I was getting close to having a panic attack.

      "Yes, now what do you say princess? Hm?" She says squishing me underneath her foot. "I'm sorry daddy!" I say as the pain was unbearable at this point. I sob loudly and I feel her foot lift off my chest and I'm picked up. I sob into her shoulder and grip her shirt tightly. She sits down on the bed with me on her lap. She places kisses all over my face. "Shh it's okay baby. Daddy is very proud of you. You're okay." She says rubbing my back.

      I hug her tightly and nuzzle into her neck crying softly now. She runs her fingers through my hair and pulls it softly so I can look at her. "Are you going to listen to the rules mamas?" I nod my head and she smiles. Seeing her smile like that reminds me of who she used to be. The girl I once loved. But that person is now gone. I will never have the love of my life or best friend back. I'm stuck in a bad spot and I don't know if there's a way out. My thoughts make me cry more as I hear her say, "That's my good girl."


Im soooo sorry it took so long. I know the chapter is a lottle short. I've been busy with school and personal matters. Im hoping to update every week on saturdays, but it depends.
If you are enjoying this book thank you!

If there is anything specific you would like to see let me know!

Much love!

Broken Promise////Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now