Chapter 2: Ain't That A Bitch

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Korra has her duffel bag packed for her trip with Bolin. The green eyed boy said that he booked the hotel that they will be stayed ready and all that she has to do was meet him at the bus station. It was gonna be a long ride to get to Las Vegas but hopefully Korra will be able to relax and have fun with her best friend. The Alaskan couldn't shake the feeling that something bad is gonna to happen when they get there.

Korra slings her duffle bag over her shoulder and walks out of her crappy apartment, locking it. She walks to the bus station to find Bolin waiting her on a bench.

"Hey Bo, when does the bus leave?" Korra asked sitting next to him.

"Hey Korra, it doesn't leave for another 20 minutes but we better set on to get the good seats" Bolin said excitedly.

Korra and Bolin got up and walked towards the bus. The Alaskan puts her duffel bag up in the bag cabinets and sits next to the window. She leans back in her chair as her best friend sits next to her, bouncing up and down in his seat. His energy is infectious and Korra has to admit that she was excited about this trip. This is going to be the first time that she actually taken a break from fighting in the Arena and she's looking forward to this overdue time off.

Convincing Tarrlok to let her go was a harder than expected but the Water Tribe girl promised to work twice as hard when she returned. Korra groaned a little, knowing that she's not going to feel anything once she get back to work. The bus ride was long and uncomfortable for the most part but having Bolin try to make it not so bad was a definite plus.

The fighter slept through most of the ride since she hasn't slept in the lasr 24 hours since she had 5 back-to-back fights in a row before she got on the bus. Never again, just never again. On bright side, I have spending money to spend on this trip. The green eyed boy shook Korra a little in order to wake up her. She groaned as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes.

The fighter looks out of the us window to see that they were now in Las Vegas. The Water Tribe girl grabs her duffel bag and follows Bolin out of the bus.

"Where to now?"

"We'll grab a cab to our hotel and we'll settle in before heading out on the town" Bolin said pumping his hand into the air.

Korra smiled as the green eyed boy tried to haul a cab. He was failing miserably and the fighter decided to put her friend out of his misery. She whistle for a cab and one stops right in front of her. Bolin stood in shock with his mouth wide open as Korra pulls him into the cab. He gives the cab driver the address to their hotel before he drives off. The green eyed boy stares out the window at all the pretty lights and places to visits.

"I can't believe that we're here in Las Vegas. We are gonna have an awesome time" Bolin said excitedly.

"If you say so, Bo" Korra said shrugging.

"Oh come Korra, this is gonna be the best trip ever. Just two best buds having a great time and who knows. We might find someone out here" Bolin said wriggling his eyebrows.

"Bo, I'm not looking for anyone and I don't plan on it" Korra said rolling her eyes.

Ever since she and Mako broke up, Korra dived into her career as a fighter in the Arena. The fighter has had a few flings every once in a while but it was nothing that lasted more than 3 weeks and Korra is okay with that. She doesn't want to fall in love anyone and get her feelings hurt by some asshole that doesn't feel the same way. The Water Tribe girl is pretty opened to both genders but lately she's been leaning more towards woman.

The cab dropped them off at their hotel and Bolin paid the driver as they got out. Their hotel was a nice place and it was pretty tall. They walked into the building and the inside was even nicer than the outside. There was a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the place look like somewhere celebrities would stay at. Korra doesn't know how Bolin was able to afford this place but doesn't really want to.

She followed the green eyed boy to the front desk and he signed in to the guy at the front desk. He gave them their keys and they walked to the elevator. They rode it to the 6th floor and their room was 4th room on the left. The room was fancy and had two beds with comfy looking sheets. Korra looked in the bathroom and it has a shower, a bath tub the size of a small pool, a double sink and a toilet.

She walked out the bathroom and looked out the window and could see everywhere. Wow, this place is amazing! The fighter sets her duffel bag at the foot of her bed and went through it to find some sweatpants and tank top. She wants to take shower since she's been on a long bus ride and knows that she doesn't smell too good.

"Hey Bo, I'm gonna take a shower" Korra said grabbing her stuff.

"Okay, take your time" Bolin said nodding.

The fighter walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind her. She turns on the hot water in the shower before stripping down her clothes. The Water Tribe girl makes that the water wasn't too hot before stepping in and moans as the hot water washes over her muscles. It's a good while that Korra has taken a hot shower since her water heater hasn't working properly.

She's been meaning to get it fixed but never gotten around to actually doing anything about it. The fighter has been taken nothing but quick cold showers for the last 2 weeks. I never knew how much I missed taking hot showers. Korra cleaned herself up before the water goes cold. She steps out of the shower and towels herself dry before putting her clothes on.

The fighter hears Bolin yell loudly and bolted out of the room. The Water Tribe comes face-to-face with last two people that she thought that she would ever here but the universe always finds a way to screw with her. Really universe, really? What the hell I ever do to you? She was in the same room as her ex boyfriend Mako and his current girlfriend Asami Sato.

"Mako! Asami! What are two doing here?" Bolin asked hugging them both.

"Hey baby brother, Asami thought it would be a good idea to take a small vacation and convinced me to come to Vegas. What are you doing here?" Mako asked curious.

"Looks like great minds think like. I thought Korra could use a mini vacation so we're here" Bolin said grinning.

Mako looks uncomfortably between both girls. The last time that the three of them were in the same room, it didn't go so well. Korra blames Asami for why they broke up but it couldn't be further from the truth. Mako was tired of constantly arguing with the fighter all the time and turned to the raven haired girl for comfort. The more time that the detective spent with Asami the more they got to know each other.

Mako realized that he wasn't in love with Korra anymore and when he explained to her, she didn't take it well. She punched him in the face and stormed off. He had a bruise on his left cheek for a month after that. Mako hasn't seen Korra since then and now this isn't good.

"What are you guys doing in our room?" Bolin asked curious.

"Your room? This is our room" Asami said confused.

"The front desk must have given us the same room by mistake" Mako said rubbing his chin in a thinking pose.

"No kidding, Captain Obvious" Korra said rolling her eyes.

"We should talk to the front desk and this straighten out" Asami offered.

Korra slipped on her shoes and a grey sweat jacket. The group walked out of the room and took the elevator. The fighter stood the furthest away from the couple as humanly possible in an elevator. The heiress walked over to the front desk and talked to the guy in front. Mako looks over at Korra who has her arms folded over her chest. The silence was killing him. He hates the way that things ended between them and wants their friendship back.

"Korra, I-"

"Mako, I don't want to talk about it. I don't want anything from you... or her. I'll be civil as much as I can but other than that, I don't want to do with you at all. Got it?" Korra said glaring at him.

Mako sighed a little before agreeing to his ex's demands. They weren't unreasonable and she want anything from him. It hurts to hear that the fighter wanted nothing to do with him anymore. I'm sorry about everything, Korra. Asami came back with a huge smile on her face and she was holding a bunch of VIP specials in her hands.

"Who's up for riding in style?" Asami asked smiling.

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