Chapter 24: Possible Kids

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Korra is coming off of the adrenaline from winning her first official match as a MMA fighter. It was everything that she imagined it to be but even better because Asami was there cheering her on. Her parents had called sooner after the match was over to congratulate her and to tell her that they are very proud of her. The couple along with Bolin and Opal had gone out to celebrate at Narook's. The fighter had teased her friends about their date after finding out that the green eyed man had made a complete fool out of himself in order to impress her trainer.

The younger woman thought that it was cute that Bolin was trying so hard to impress her but he didn't need to. She just wanted him to just relax and be himself. The trainer didn't want him to be anyone other than himself. The Alaskan was glad that her friends are hitting it off together because she knows that the green eyed man is a great catch anyone would be lucky to have him. I know that Bo can take care of himself but I won't let anyone hurt him.

Luckily I don't have to worry about that with Opal. Asami was glad that her wife's match went so well and couldn't wait for the next one. She couldn't be any more proud than she already was. After eating at the Narook's, the couple walks hand in hand to their apartment. A silence falls upon them but it was a comfortable silence. There was no real need for words to be exchange. Korra looks up at the night sky and smiles a little.

Who would have thought that I would married to the one person that I couldn't stand to be around? I hated Asami with a burning passion but now I'm madly in love with her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. This is completely crazy but I like it.


"Yeah, what's up?" Korra asked turning to Asami.

"I was wondering. What do you think about having kids?" Asami asked curious.

"Do you mean now?" Korra asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't mean now but in general though" Asami said smiling.

"I want to eventually. Do you?" Korra asked shrugging a little.

"Yeah, after I graduate and when my career starts picking up. I would like to settle down and have kids" Asami said nodding.

"We got the settled down part down" Korra said lightly bumping her shoulder with Asami's.

"We do and I think that we'll be great parents" Asami said kissing Korra on the cheek.

It wasn't long before the couple hears yelling and fast footsteps running towards them. The heiress was confused on what happening when a young girl no older than 8 running towards them ducking in an alleyway. The couple gave each other an confused look when a group of tough looking guy runs up to them. They were obviously out of them from running.

"Hey, have you two seen a little punk of a kid running this way?" The leader asked breathing heavily.

"Uhhh she just ran across the street" Asami said pointing across the street.

"Thanks, come guys before she gets too far" The leader said running.

The rest of the guys ran after their leader across the street. The couple waits until after the gang was far enough away from them.

"Are they gone?"

"Yea, they're gone. You can come out now" Korra said softly.

The girl cautiously pokes her head out before walking out of the alleyway. Korra gets a good look at the girl to see that she has tan skin. The girl wasn't as dark as the fighter but definitely a couple of shades darker than Asami. The 8 year old has curly jet black hair that was being contained by a red hair tie and hidden under a Yankee ball cap, a cut on her right cheek in the shape of an X but her most outstanding feature is her bluish green eyes.

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