Chapter 11: Getting Through To Someone

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Korra was quietly sneaking back into her apartment with her arms full of different kinds of fabrics. She woke up this morning and went downtown to the fashion districts. The fighter fell like doing something for Asami for once since she is legally married to her. She didn't know what kind of fabric the raven haired woman would use so she brought a roll of everything. The Alaskan texted Bolin to helped her carry the stuff along with two mannequins and a sewing machine.

Bolin teased her about doing something nice for the fashion major but he stopped when Korra threatened to turn him into a mannequin. They snuck back into the apartment without getting caught. The green eyes boy set the mannequins down next to the desk in the corner and the blue eyed woman set the sewing machine on it before plugging it in. The dark woman set the rolls of fabrics down in the corner before rubbing her sore arms.

"Why didn't you just take the car? It's right in front of the complex" Bolin said flopping on the couch.

"You know that I don't know why to drive a car" Korra said rolling her eyes.

"Korra, you're 21 years old and you still don't know how to drive a car. You can drive a snowmobile but not a car"

"A snowmobile is different from a car besides everything I need to be, I can just either walk to or hop on the bus. I don't need to know how to drive"

"If you say so, Korra. So how's the married life treating you?" Bolin asked smugly.

"Bo, shut up" Korra said frowning.

"I don't see how you see this as a bad thing. I mean your wife is hot" Bolin said smiling.

"One, there are several reasons how this is bad and two, I never said that she wasn't hot. Three don't talk about my wife like that or I'll kick your ass" Korra said glaring at him.

"Wow, possessive much" Bolin said holding up his hand in defense.

"I'm not possessive, I just like people ogling at her like that. She's a person, not a piece of meat" Korra said folding her arms.

"You have definitely changed. You went from not being able to stand being around Asami for more than a few minutes to wanting to beat every guy for looks at her funny. You must be in love with her and it's a nice change" Bolin said smiling.

"W-What? I'm not in love with her" Korra said as voice goes up a few octaves.

"Yes, you are. There's nothing wrong with that" Bolin said patting Korra on the shoulder.

"Bo, I am not in love with Asami. Stop saying that or I swear that I will not hesitate in turning you into one of those mannequins"

"Okay, if you say so. I'll see you later" Bolin said walking out of the door.

Korra shakes her head at her friend. She can't believe that he would think that she was in love with Asami of all people. The fighter was only putting up with the raven haired woman until the 6 months were over with and that's all. The Alaskan fills nothing for the fashion major at all. I'm in not love with Asami! That's just ridiculous! Stupid Bolin.

"Korra, who were you talking to?"

The shorter woman turned around to see that it was her wife and she was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. The darker woman looked the paler woman up and down, noticing that she was wearing a white tank top and red short shorts. Korra licked her lips a little as her mouth suddenly went dry.

"It was just Bolin. He was just helping me with something" Korra said shrugging a little.

Asami's eyes snapped opened when she noticed all of the rolls of fabrics, the mannequins, and the sewing machine. What the? Those things weren't there when I went to sleep last night. Korra sat down on the couch and took in the satisfaction of the older woman's reaction. It was obvious to the younger woman that she did good. The fashion major looked at the fabrics in amazement. With this much fabric, the raven haired woman could make plenty of outfits out of them plus she wouldn't breaking her pockets trying to buy more. The paler woman turned to her wife with a surprised look on her face.

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