Chapter 25: Searching For Alex

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Asami woke the next morning feeling well rested. She open her eyes to her wife sleeping peacefully next to her but for some reason, something felt off. The heiress looked around the room to realize that Alejandra isn't bed with them anymore. The raven haired woman shot up into a sitting position before getting out of bed and out of the bedroom. The fashion major looked in the bathroom, living room and the design room and the younger girl was no where to be found.

Nothing was stolen or taken which was very odd. Asami walked back into the living room find the clothes that 8 year wore to bed last night. They were neatly folded and placed on the coffee table with a note on top of them. The heiress picked up the note and quickly read over it. It pulled at her heart strings. The raven haired woman walked into the bedroom and shook Korra gently on the shoulder. The fighter groan a little before opening up her eyes.

The Alaskan was about to ask why the fashion major woke her up for but the question died on the way out. The paler woman's eyes were sad and she handed the darker woman the note that was left. The younger woman takes the note and reads it.

To Asami and Korra,

I am sorry to leave so soon but I had to go. I have some business to take of with some... associates of mine. I wish that I could've stayed to say goodbye but I'm not good at those kinds of things. It was nice meeting you guys and you seem pretty cool. This is probably gonna be the last time that you're gonna hear from me so um. Thanks for letting me stay with you guys. I'm used to people being generally nice to me and I really appreciate it. I didn't steal anything by the way. I don't steal from good people, I have some morals -_- Anyways thank you again.

Alejandra a.k.a. Alex

Korra couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that Alex left. Why did she left? When did she left? I'm usually a light sleeper but I didn't hear the kid leave at all. The fighter read the note over and over again. It was just making her sadder and sadder. She might not have known Alex that long but it doesn't mean that she doesn't care about what happens to her. What associates could a 8 year old possibly have?

What business does she need to take care of? The only business that she have to take care is just being a kid and having fun. The Alaskan gets out of the bed and over towards the dresser, pulling out clothes. Nothing of this was sitting well with her.

"Korra, what are you doing?" Asami asked confused.

"I'm going to find Alex and bring back here. I have a bad feeling about whoever she's meeting up with" Korra said putting on some regular clothes.

"We don't even know where she's gone or where to look. She could be anywhere" Asami said worried. "I know that but that's not going to stop me from looking for her" Korra said grabbing her green jacket from the closet.

"You like her, don't you?" Asami asked smirking.

"I didn't say that but kinda. Let's go"

Asami changed into her clothes and grabbed a jacket and her keys on the way out. The couple walks out of the apartment complex and the raven haired woman hopped into her car. The fighter is going to cover the north and south side of town while the heiress is going to cover the east and west side of town. It's gonna be a harder for the Alaskan since she's searching on foot but she didn't mind too much. The darker woman had called Bolin and Opal and explain the situation in so many words.

The two agreed to help look for Alex and call if they seen any sight of her or if they find her. The paler woman started up the car and drove down the street like a bat out of hell. Korra pull her hoodie over her head since it was pouring down hard before running the street. The fighter started on the south side of town. It's the more rougher side of town and the more violent side as well. The Alaskan didn't want Asami looking over here because of how dangerous it is.

Korra knows that the raven haired woman can handle herself in a fight but she grow up on the streets like these. The fighter didn't want to put the heiress in any unnecessary danger than she needed to. The houses on the side of town went from nice to shitty in a matter of a few blocks and there was no real of the younger girl anywhere. This doesn't discourage Korra from her search but strengthen her resolve to find the 8 year old even more and sooner.

Alex, where are you? You better be okay. You have to be. The fighter continue to run up and down streets, going through block after block with little to go on. The Alaskan runs past an alleyway when something caught her eye as she past back. It was a blue Yankee hat. Yankee hair? Alex was wearing one when we first met! It's gotta be her! Korra slows down to a halt before running into the alleyway. She stops in her tracks when she sees Alex laying on the ground with bruises on her body.

The younger girl was struggling to get up when one of the three huge guys surrounding her kicks her down to the ground.

"We told you that if you didn't come up the money that you owe us that you'll pay in another" The leader Toza said smirking menacingly.

"You get up, ya scrawny bitch. It's not like we can get money off of your looks" Thug #1 said folding his arms.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately? The doctor told one look at you and smacked your mother" Alex said smirking.

"What did you say, you little whore? I can't talk that way to me especially when your druggie mother stole you to us for 10 bucks and a fix" Thug #1's twin brother said kicking Alex in the stomach.

Korra couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't just stand there and let them beat up a defenseless kid like this. The fighter pulled the thugs off of the younger girl and stood in-between them glaring at them.

"W-What are y-you doing here? This is none of your business" Alex said frowning.

"You're right. This isn't my business but I refuse to let my friends get beat up by some thugs. So it's my business now" Korra said cracking her knuckles.

"Who are you? The kid's bodyguard or something?" Toza asked raising an eyebrow.

"Something like that but I'm her friend. Why are you beating up on a defenseless kid?" Korra asked glaring at Toza.

"Defenseless, not really. I own this kid. She works for me because her mother sold her to me for drugs. Every time her mother gets drugs me, I put it on her tab and the kid pays it off by pick pocketing or whatever means of getting money. This time she didn't get enough money to pay off the tab so we're beating out of her. Why don't you run along and pretend that you didn't see anything" Toza said smirking.

"Sorry but I can't do that. The kid is coming with me and you are to leave her alone for good" Korra said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry but things don't work out that way" Toza said shaking his head.

Toza snaps his fingers and the two thugs make a move towards Korra with wide smirks on their face. The fighter easily takes out the both without using too much energy before turning her attention to the leader who looks like he was going to shit his pants any second now.

"And you were saying?" Korra asked raising an eyebrow.

"You can have the kid. She was of no real use to me" Toza said smiling nervously.

"Come near her and I swear that I will not hesitate to end you, got it?" Korra asked glaring menacingly.

"I got it" Toza said running with his tail in between his legs.

Korra shakes her head a little before turning to Alex was sitting on the back of her calves. The fighter takes the younger girl into her arms and wrapping her jacket around the both of them. The 8 year old looks up at the Alaskan with a tired look on her face before closing her eyes. Korra pulls her phone out of her pocket and dialed Asami's phone.

"Hello? Korra? Did you find her? Is she alright?" Asami asked worriedly.

"Yes Asami, I found her. She's a little banged up but she's mostly alright. I'm heading to the house" Korra said calmly.

"Okay, I'll meet you there"

Korra walks back to the apartment with a sleeping girl in her arms. Alex, I'm going to protect you no matter what.

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