An Unusual One

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"Hey. Wake up."

You felt a hand shaking your right shoulder, interrupting your usual dreams.

"I said wake up."

Vaati's exasperated voice was louder this time as he grabbed both your shoulders and shook you awake.

"W-What what? I'm awake, what's wrong?"

The first thing you saw after you rubbed your eyes was his face mere inches away from yours.

"Uh... This is certainly surprising... Could you please get off me?"

Either he wasn't paying attention, or he decided not to listen to you because you could see his eye glimmering as he started talking again.

"There's people who keep passing by and making a fuss about the Lord of the Mountain."

You frowned and pushed him away slightly, which made him groan. How dare a human so casually touch him like that?

"So? What do you want me to do about it?"

You couldn't hear his answer, since in an instant, he had gotten up and started looking around.
That's right. You had been traveling for a couple days and had set up camp next to an old tree which was big enough to provide at least some shelter for the both of you. He was looking frantically from one side to another, as if searching for something specifically.

"What are you doing?"

"It's near."

"...What is?"

He waved a hand at you as if to dismiss you, which only made you question just how full of himself he was. In truth, what he could feel getting close was the power of the Triforce, so perhaps an entrance to the Sacred Realm was near... but he couldn't tell you that. He couldn't have you getting in his way and ruin his plans after it took him so long to be free again.

What unnerved him was the fact that he could feel it getting close almost all the time, anywhere, only for it to fade away, as if taunting him...

As if the gods themselves were taunting him.

"Didn't you say you wanted to know the deepest secrets of Hyrule though? And what about strengthening my magic?"

He sighed in annoyance before turning to look at you, smirking.

"Oh, of course! Pardon my manners! I just forgot that you have been completely useless to me so far."

Even though he was smiling, the tone of his voice was sarcastic, and his arrogance set you off. The only thing you could do was click your tongue and bite your lip to keep you from hurling an insult at him.

If he could only find the gates to the Sacred Realm, then he could just get rid of you and be done with it.

Honestly, you were both aware that you were traveling together for your own benefit, you thought. If you were to be brutally honest, it would be only fair to say that you were basically using each other. You pondered on this for a moment...

"Hey. Hey!"

He was snapping his fingers right in front of your face.

"I'm talking to you!"

What were you? His fucking servant? What disrespect... the moment he put his hand on your shoulder again, you unconsciously slapped his hand away, and not in a kind way either.

"Don't fucking touch me."


Vaati was more than taken aback by your bold move, so much so that his eye widened in surprise, his brow furrowed in anger.

"Tch... whatever."

He turned around and continued walking... oh if only you knew. If only you knew the things he could make you go through... he could make you regret crossing him and regret being born entirely...

He couldn't wait to see the look on your face when the truth surfaced. To see your trust broken, your hope shattered... and your future, lost forever.

But that would have to wait for now.

"What's your problem anyway? I don't exactly like dealing with people either but you don't have to be an asshole about it."

There it was. That boldness of yours right there both intrigued yet filled him with indignation at the same time.

"And you don't have to learn magic specifically from me either." He quickly retaliated.

"True." You crossed your arms. "But who else is going to get you into Hyrule Castle?"

His brow twitched. You knew something, didn't you?

"So far you haven't told me what you're after, but I can tell that it's something pretty important. From what I can see, you likely want something to make you powerful. But hey, I can't tell for sure. All I know about you is that you were a lost kid in the mountains that turned out not to be as defenseless as I thought."

"Shut your mouth, [Y/n]. I mean it."

You huffed at his behavior. Looks like you'd hit a nerve.

"All I ask is that we at least come to an agreement... I can't trust you so easily if I barely know anything about you. You could attempt to murder me in my sleep one day!" You grimaced. "And it would honestly be quite painful to kill someone I just met in self-defense."

The way you said it, it sounded like you'd had to kill someone that way before... but it hadn't been your fault, right?

Vaati laughed at your words, though you couldn't tell if it was in an arrogant gesture, or if he meant it in a good way.

"Alright, if you say so. But trust me... if I wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now."

His smile was charming.

But the look on his eyes wasn't.

Winds of Desperation - Vaati x Female Reader (BotW AU)Where stories live. Discover now