Unspoken Knowledge

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For millennia, we have sat upon this throne of knowledge as we watch over our beautiful creations.

Life is born, and life is snuffed out. The never ending cycle that mortals are burdened with is so beautifully tragic, and so terribly monotone.

For years we have sat upon this throne of knowledge, meddling here and there, sparking confusion that will develop into conflict, and that shall serve as a lesson to our children, for we love them so.

For years we have sat upon this throne of knowledge, only answering their cries for help until the right time comes for our message to scatter across the land, for their pain is proof of our purest love.

For years we have sat upon this throne of knowledge; undying, without flaw, as we watch our beloved land sway like the wind to the melody of our will.

It is the purest proof of our love to our children, for we will for it to be so.


Through blissful dreams and warmth, you found yourself slowly waking up sometime in the middle of the night, a warm feeling enveloping your mind and body.

Vaati was sleeping beside you, his sleeping face showing the most peaceful expression you had ever seen in him. His pale, lavender hair fell over his face, the bed, and the rest of his body like the purest water, forming the most graceful lines, waves, and spirals that seemed to have come out of a child's most blissful dream.

To say such a sight made your heart tremble wouldn't do justice. You gazed at him with adoration, slowly lifting your hand to caress his face softly so as to not wake him up...

The color of your own skin contrasted against his. Aveil was right when she said that it was a unique and pretty color, but... it wasn't just pretty. It was so beautiful, so... mesmerizing. It was as if you were holding a porcelain doll, except you weren't just admiring his physical beauty. You had always been aware of how beautiful he was, yet it was only after he showed his ambitions, his dreams, his regrets, his heart... it was only after those cherished moments together that your own heart had begun to move for him.

Caressing his face brought you further tranquility. It was almost a way to reassure yourself that he was right there, that he was real, and that he was still with you.

Together, you would bring forth a new era for Hyrule; one based on true acceptance and where people would not be afraid of the unknown. One where people would not grovel in fear of the gods nor suffer in vain anymore.

...Although only the upcoming battle could decide whether that would come to pass.

Yet you knew, and had known for a long time now that if you left this world, Vaati would undoubtedly bring the land to a prosperous new era as well. He was wise, much wiser than anyone alive... And the vision you shared of a world without fear of the gods would live on forever through his rule. Perhaps that was yet another one of the many reasons you had fallen so truly and deeply in love with him.

But you promised yourself you would fight and survive—for him, and for this beautiful land of Hyrule.

And you also promised him the same.

That way you couldn't get away with breaking your promise.


I cannot fully comprehend the emotions emulated by the human heart. And yet, in an era bygone now, recollections of the time I spent with the one chosen by Her Grace proved to be the most precious data I have on record.

It is possible that I achieved a state most similar to what humans call happiness at the end of our journey together, before I was lain to sleep... However, as I sense the growing desolation coming from my Master's soul, I cannot help but seek to inquire the nature of the sensations I have begun to experiment.

Winds of Desperation - Vaati x Female Reader (BotW AU)Where stories live. Discover now