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There is a legend among Hyrulean historians about two twins that has almost been forgotten; one that is regarded as myth in this day and age.

The Gerudo witches Koume and Kotake were once revered throughout Hyrule just as much as they were feared, for their magic was so powerful, it was said it could consume one's very soul.

It was they, as surrogate mothers, who made the Gerudo King of the era the nightmarish menace he became, the menace that brought Hyrule to ruin.

Oh, Twinrova... They met their end at the Hero's sword, their souls forever leaving this world.

The few forbidden books that were left behind were sealed away, for they taught magic too dangerous for any simple Gerudo to control.

However, there were those old and wise enough among the Gerudo; those loved and trustworthy enough who were entrusted with the task of safeguarding the magic teachings of Twinrova.

From generation to generation, they passed down their teachings, until they gradually grew fewer in number, and the legend of Koume and Kotake faded from the people's memory.

Only one of them remains.

The reason such terrifying magic was passed down is that, should an ancient evil return, the Gerudo and their mages could fight alongside the Kingdom of Hyrule, their Princess, and the Hero.

It is not wise to teach this magic to anyone save for the Gerudo, especially a Hylian save for the Princess or the Hero, for they are pure of heart and have been chosen by the gods.

Any other Hylian will surely by corrupted by their power and their desire, bringing eternal damnation to the land.

I know that, but...
I must believe in her.
I must.


Your lungs turned into lead. You couldn't breathe. You fool... You were an idiot. What were you even thinking?

You gasped for air, but Vaati's hand only put more pressure on your neck. The wind had grown violent, and the sound of the trees swaying was almost deafening among the chaos.

This was beginning to bring back repressed memories, and you knew what had happened last time...
But no. You had to resist. You had to.


You didn't even manage to gasp his name. Your hand faintly grasped his. He was way stronger than any normal human... It was terrifying...

For the first time in years, you were actually fearing for your life.

No... I can't die here, not when I still have someone to see once more...

As if reading your thoughts, Vaati's face grew closer to yours. His eyes were burning with fury. There was nothing you could do. His other hand was gripping your shoulder against the ground, while his knee was pressing against your stomach. Any arrogance or playfulness in his demeanor was completely gone, replaced by cold anger instead.

"I should have disposed of you long ago."

You would have never imagined that someone's voice could make you tremble in fear like that... Your pride took a hard blow from that as well. Up until now, you had always been unstoppable, invincible... Yet, even if you used your full power, battling against an ancient sorcerer like him would be futile.

Winds of Desperation - Vaati x Female Reader (BotW AU)Where stories live. Discover now