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Hello everyone. It's been a while. Sorry for being so inactive lately. For the past few months, aside from work taking up a lot of my time, I've had a handful of health issues, both physical and mental, so I haven't been able to dedicate as much time to writing. Hopefully I'll have more time for it now though. I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I already know and have planned out the course of the story, but I just haven't been able to write it down properly. Plus, this story isn't exactly going to be short, though it's not going to be too long either (I mean, I may be convinced to write a sequel or something in the future depending on how well it's received and/or if I can actually write down a good plot for it).

Either way, I hope you guys are liking the story so far, and I apologize for not saying anything beforehand. If things go well, I should be able to upload the next chapter within the next few days!

Thank you if you have read this far.


Winds of Desperation - Vaati x Female Reader (BotW AU)Where stories live. Discover now