The Falling Veil

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Even now, I am certain that my heart stopped beating back then.

The man I once called my friend had murdered an innocent little girl right before my eyes...

A girl who had done nothing but bring smiles to our faces and offer kind words whenever the days seemed like they couldn't get any worse...

She reminded me of—

Now she... she was gone, just like that.

And the inhumane bastard who had relished in taking the life of another human wore the mask of a demon crazed by bloodlust.

He fooled all of us. He fucking fooled all of us.

"Tch. Nothing. I wasted my time for this."

The sword he carried was stained with blood, and now he had turned to look at me. The little girl's corpse was reflected off the sword from the fire that had now long consumed the village... That disgusting smile made me lose control of my body.

All I could see was red... I screamed like a berserk beast, trying to claw his eyes out with my own hands.

In the middle of my rampage, I felt my lungs turn cold, his knee pressing against my diaphragm as his hand squeezed and squeezed around my neck. But still, even through my tears, my eyes opened wider, wide enough that they could have popped right out of my skull... I could feel my throat threatening to bleed from the curses I spat at him as I desperately tried to get his hands off my neck.


I could see his smile widen, a golden light reflected in his eyes.

I roared.

It was as if an explosion manifested right from my core, and he tumbled to the ground.

The sound of my dagger cutting through his flesh...



He was long dead by now, and still,it wasn't enough.

I ripped him into pieces, and it still wasn't enough.

My arms felt weak, and the smell of copper had impregnated my nose all the way up to my head, my mouth...
I could feel it in my fingertips, in my eyes...

...When did it start raining?


You and Vaati had been traveling together for weeks now, and oddly enough, you knew something and yet nothing about each other.

If you were to be completely honest with yourself, you had your suspicions, but...

No, it was simply not possible. Besides, even if it were, it was really none of your business. Plus, he hadn't caused any major trouble until now.

The sun had just set, and how fortunate it was for you to have just reached Hateno Village! You could almost feel your spine tingle at the thought of sleeping on one of the inn's cozy beds rather than on some improvised campsite. Vaati seemed to be thinking the same thing. Also, you could give yourself the luxury to buy yourself some food instead of cooking it yourself this time. After all, you had more than enough rupees saved up for that, even with Vaati around.

How comfortable—the beds were ready, the tables were outside, the food waiting to be served—until...


What is HE doing here?

The person you least wanted to see at a time like this.

Beedle. Fucking Beedle.

"Ohhh! [Y/n]! We meet again!"

You begged for the earth to swallow you whole. Vaati only looked at you with an expression that said, 'You know this guy?'

"Uh, Beedle. Um. Hi."

"Kyaaaagh!!! IS THAT..."

This guy was out of his mind. His obsession with bugs was beyond unhealthy. But when he pointed to your shoulder...

"Is that a Golden Beetle?!"

You froze.

The next moment, a scream way too high for your proud self echoed through perhaps the entirety of Hyrule.


You were able to hear a familiar voice snicker behind you as you panicked. The beetle flew off your shoulder, only for Beedle to catch it in his hands.

"Hey there little fella! Yo, take this as thanks! You're always a big help!"

Yes. For some reason you always seemed to have an insect on you whenever Beedle was around. And the thing is, you hated insects. Ladybugs and butterflies were fine, and rolly-pollies were actually adorable. But beetles, flies, bees, all that stuff? Nope.
And now Beedle had put some sort of weird elixir in your hands. Wonderful.

"Pff... h... hahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh g... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

You turned around to see Vaati bent over, a hand over his stomach, openly laughing at you. You knew he was a bit of an asshole but...

You never knew he could laugh like that. All you could do was awkwardly look at him holding the bottle in your hands. Oh goddesses, now he was crying...

After a few minutes of him seemingly calming down only to start laughing again, he finally reached a point where he could speak clearly enough for him to finish a sentence.

"O-Oh... I..." He let out another laugh before wiping a tear from his eye. "Oh, the face you made..."

Then you both realized... the inn had been pretty lively up until his little outburst. And without any context, his laughter could have been mistaken by that of a madman.

The laughter began again, only this time, both of you were laughing.

Winds of Desperation - Vaati x Female Reader (BotW AU)Where stories live. Discover now