To Become A Shield...

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The snowy mountains lay with an air of complete stillness around us, without an animal in sight. [Y/n] and I walked at a steady pace, followed by Yosuke and Mira at a distance. We kept a friendly talk going, even though those two were doing most of the talking.

"Your voice is so beautiful, [Y/n]." Mira said in a sweet voice. "Honestly? I started sobbing by the end of each night. The way you carry yourself while playing each character is so entrancing as well! Wouldn't you agree, Yosuke?"

"Oh, absolutely!" Yosuke went on. "You made this guy shed some manly tears, I'll give you that."

I regarded [Y/n]'s profile as she continued receiving their flattery.

"...That's very kind of you. Thank you."

Mira let out a giggle that made my skin crawl. "Of course!"

[Y/n] and I came to a stop and waited for them to pass us by.

Even now, they were still smiling.

That is when I broke the silence.

"Well now. We're far away from the village now. No harm should come to any innocents now." The wind began to blow. "You can drop your pathetic act now."

They looked at each other, and then back at us. [Y/n] and I knew what we had to do, as did they. Their wicked and disgusting smiles grew wide as they brandished their weapons. They were as the one that woman Marlene had back then.

For a moment, we all stood still, waiting for an opening...

"For Lord Hizuki."
...Until he let loose like a dog.


[Y/n] swiftly parried his attack, and the sound of swords clashing filled the air. The other fool ran towards me, her eyes wide open as she foolishly attempted to land even the faintest blow on me. For every swing and thrust she threw at me, I was lifted by the wind and left her more exhausted as she cursed and screamed. I was growing bored of her. One parry was all it took for her crazed grin to grow wide, until she felt her blade gradually start turning against her. I watched her panic until I grew weary of it.

"...Out of my sight."

With a kick, and by commanding the wind, I watched her body fly through the air and land a few feet from where [Y/n] was fighting Yosuke; a satisfying crack resounding when she hit the ground, one of her arms bent at an odd angle.

...And I lost control.

[Y/n]'s sword was knocked out of her hands and she was kicked a few feet far away into the ground. With her magic, she tried creating a barrier to defend herself from the bastard who kept swinging his sword at her...

My feet rose above the ground, a piercing gale manifesting as if from nowhere... The man was lifted from the ground and thrown against the sky, his body pierced by blades of wind. His blood tainted the snow... and yet, he was still breathing.

...I could see the empty look in [Y/n]'s eyes as she quietly took Yosuke's own sword, walked up to him, and thrust it down upon his chest.

She dropped it onto the ground as if it were nothing but a used toy.

That is when my heart dropped to the ground.

Winds of Desperation - Vaati x Female Reader (BotW AU)Where stories live. Discover now