A poem written based on a mage's confession.

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Murderous scoundrel
Depraved by sin
It's time
Repent for your crimes

["With your magic and my power, nobody can stop us."]

[Even now, I am certain my heart stopped beating back then.]

["I trust you. Let's always be the best of friends, alright?"]

[A girl who had done nothing but bring smiles to our faces and offer kind words whenever the days seemed like they couldn't get any worse...]

["I will inherit my father's place as leader of the clan. Won't you lend us your strength?"]

Hey, Vaba

At this moment I'm pointing my sword at a man
A son of a bitch who killed his own father and sister
A girl whom I loved as my own kin

For the sake of this man, I even lent my strength
To the very same people who hurt you that night
He said things under his rule would be different, but
He is truly a demon in an angel's disguise

The time has come to atone for my sins, so
It's time
Repent for your crimes!

Hello and goodbye, leader of the Yiga Clan
Judgement is past, so select either path
Will you burn down in icy flames, or will my sword pierce through your empty chest?

Hey, Vaba
You said everyone should have
A chance for redemption, however twisted their path

Therefore I said to him,
"Leave this land with your clan,
Disappear forever and forfeit your power to me"

Instead of opting to be spared,
This bastard pinned me to the ground
Where his dead sister's corpse rotted among the rising flames

He said, crazed with bloodlust,
"I will never give in to you! I will consume the power you possess and grind you to a pulp!"

Vermin like him have no place in this world
Even so,

Hello and goodbye, false leader of the clan
A corrupted murderer drowned in his hunger for power
Let mine and the people's hatred wash over your body
Then rot and sleep without an end

[All I could see was red... I screamed like a berserk beast, trying to claw his eyes out with my own hands.]

[—as his hand squeezed and squeezed around my neck.]

[I could feel my throat bleeding from the curses I spat at him.]

Hey, Vaba

You took such good care of me
No matter what, you were always standing by my side

Even though I ran away from my real parents
Did they ever come to look for me or check if I was even alive?

Hey, Vaba
It seems this sick bastard has gone completely insane
He really thinks he's the Hero chosen by the gods themselves!

Now I ask you this, Mother and Father,
What would you think of me now?
The daughter you raised to be pure
Is now tainted by evil

Hey, Father
Even though Mother is long gone
Watch me pierce this man's blackened heart with my sword


Hello and goodbye, goodbye
My dearest old friend
The liar who would murder innocents for pleasure alone

Hey, Vaba
Tell me
How could I have ever trusted such an evil and disgusting man like him...?

With my own hands, I'll end this once and for all
I will end everything and avenge their death
Watch everything burn to a crisp underneath my feet

And taint my evil soul

This is the end

[The sound of my dagger cutting through his flesh...]

Farewell, my first love...

Farewell, my worst mistake...

[He was long dead by now, and still,it wasn't enough.]

[I ripped him into pieces, and it still wasn't enough.]

[My arms felt weak, and the smell of copper had impregnated my nose all the way up to my head, my mouth...]

[I could feel it in my fingertips, in my eyes...]

Murderous scoundrel
Depraved by sin

It's time...


[...When did it start raining?]


Well, that may have been quite a bit to take in. Yes, this one is indeed based on the Vocaloid song The Muzzle of Nemesis. I never outgrew Vocaloid. Sue me. The sheer wrath in that song gives me chills. Oh, and I obviously changed some things to make this "poem" fit the story lmao

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