Hero's Heresy

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I keep having that same nightmare, over and over again.

Every single night, I wake up with the sword's voice resounding inside my head...

Ever since the last Blood Moon, the spirit inside the sword has grown more and more insistent... impatient, even.

In that nightmare, I see the shadow of a young man, arising from a strange monument... his movements are... limp, as if he's a puppet, and his body contorts and spasms as more figures rise behind him.

I can faintly make out the ethereal figure of a woman clutching a little girl against her chest, crying and screaming something... but no sound comes out of her mouth. Her figure is almost like a dark smoke, tied to the young man's back.

I hear that young man—that boy—faintly say something... 'Mo...ther...'...?

The figures behind him contort and spasm as well... They are all... deformed, somehow... And their eyes glow underneath the Blood Moon sky.

I can see flashes of bloodshed throughout Hyrule, specifically taking place in the Gerudo Desert... and most importantly, inside Hyrule Castle. I can see a colossal army of Yiga soldiers rampaging through Hyrule, demanding the head of a girl whose name I've never heard before. The boy I saw at the monument is there as well.

Even more bizarre is... the shadowy figures that accompany the colossal army on their rampage... As if they were clones of an original entity, but that entity was something disposable. Something that was once dead, and only brought back to life half-way. Much like that boy.

I see the winged beast from my other visions among the chaos as well.

The Gerudo soldiers fighting in the desert, the sound of swords clashing in the battlefield... Anguished battle cries throughout the land of Hyrule...

I see Rito warriors flying through different places, their arrows raining down on the Yiga soldiers. Some fall to the ground, unable to get up, while others turn into dust...

The proud Gorons, the graceful Zora, the reserved Sheikah... I can see every single one of them fighting against this menace. Fighting against a colossal force that appeared from nowhere.

But what could this vision even mean...?

Zelda's crying face, the sound of her screams as she looks up at the sky...

I must protect her no matter what.

I cannot stop thinking about this while reading the letter 'Paya' left me with.

How could someone like her know all of the things she knows about the Royal Family...?

...Zelda's visions worry me.

...I remember hearing what I think was the voice of the Goddess Hylia when I first pulled the sword from the pedestal.

'Place your trust in Fi.'

Place your trust in Fi.

If 'Fi' is the spirit inside of the sword, then that makes things even more confusing...

The Goddess speaks to Zelda in her dreams and visions, to guide her on what she must do next.

The sword speaks to me at any given time, to warn me about impending dangers, about possible futures... About what I must do to protect Zelda and save those in need...

...But what happens when those two happen to contradict each other?

Shouldn't Fi's 'morals' be in alignment with the ones of her creator?

...I worry... that we must be making a grave mistake.

Because while the sword desperately pleads me to protect, Hylia orders us to destroy.


If you want to picture just have massive the battle in Link's vision was then just listen to the song God-Shattering Star and you'll hopefully daydream about it like I did oop-

Winds of Desperation - Vaati x Female Reader (BotW AU)Where stories live. Discover now