2) Tooth

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Crowley curled up on the sofa, resting his head on Aziraphale's lap, as the angel looked worriedly at the wincing demon.

"Are you okay, dearest?"

Crowley looked up hiding his pain, and attempting a smirk, only wincing yet again at the pain in the side of his mouth.

"Mhm" he muttered, "All good."

It wasn't very believable. Aziraphale certainly didn't believe it.

"Do you have a toothache?" Aziraphale paused for thought, "Well, can't you miracle it away?"

"But I wanted to spend time with you, angel..."

Aziraphale barely heard the sentence Crowley had mumbled, but realising what the demon had said, smiled down at him, a small blush creeping into his expression.

"Where does it hurt, dear?"

Crowley opened his mouth, to show a chipped fang, The angel had no idea how the demon had chipped his tooth, but he was ready to help.

"Ah... I see.. I'm guessing it hurts?"

Crowley mumbled a small confirmation, and slowly closed his eyes wearily.

"Ice cream helps with toothache doesn't it?" Aziraphale muttered to himself, trying to remember where he had read the information, stroking Crowley's long red hair absent mindedly.

"Vanilla." The half-asleep demon muttered, smiling slightly.

The angel carefully moved Crowley's head off of his lap as he stood up to get the ice cream.

As he returned, he gently shook the demon awake, handing him the bowl of ice cream as he sat up.

"But why don't you miracle it away?" Aziraphale enquired again. Of course he was curious, Crowley wasn't one to want to be seen in pain.

"I told you, angel. I want to spend time with you." The demon sighed in relief as he spooned the ice-cream into his mouth. It was definitely relieving the pain.

"But I'll spend time with you anyway, dear."

"I know, but I also wanted ice-cream."

Aziraphale looked at the now smirking demon.

"I love you, dearest."

"Love you too, angel."


323 words

Fluff? Sort of? I can't write.

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