10) Crepes

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The smell of vanilla drifted through Crowley's flat. Aziraphale sat, eyes closed, savouring the smell.

"I didn't know you could bake, dear."

"Guess what I'm baking, angel."

"Hm." A look of concentration crossed the angel's face.

"Crepes, angel, crepes!"

Aziraphale opened his eyes with a look of complete delight.

"Crepes! Can I have some, dear?"

"Why else would I be making them?"

The angel blushed, happy that Crowley couldn't see him from the kitchen. He was jolted from his thoughts as the sound of crashing came from the kitchen.

"Ah shit."

Aziraphale stood up, startled and confused, and walked towards the kitchen.

"What happened, dear?"

Aziraphale walked into the kitchen to see a bunch of egg shells scattered across the floor.

"The eggs."

Crowley gestured pointedly at said egg shells, a look of annoyance on his face.

"I'm going to have to get new ones now! And you'll have to wait even longer." Crowley paused looking at Aziraphale, who had rested his hand gently on the demon's shoulder.


Aziraphale clicked his fingers on his other hand, and the mess disappeared, the eggs appearing whole in the box on the counter.


"Indeed." Aziraphale brightened up, noticing the small stack of crepes next to the eggs.

"I guess everything is tickety-boo now? So I guess I can try some of those delicious edibles over there!"

"I swear you're the only person I know who says 'tickety-boo', angel."

Aziraphale was already reaching out to grab the crepes.

"I can see you. And yes, take as many as you want, angel."

"These are delicious." Aziraphale remarked, mouth full with crepe.

"Glad you enjoy them."

Crowley reached out to wipe off some crumbs from Aziraphale's cheek, and the angel blushed again.

"You are adorable, angel."

294 words

I don't know if this is good but here.

Any requests? Might not be able to do them, but yeah give me inspiration!!

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