24) Poetry

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When your angelic grace I see,
And another person standing near,
A demon's rage inside of me,
Awakens thoughts inside my ear,
And visions in your bluest eyne,
That's where your intelligence hides,
So soon enough you will be mine,
And, ay, whenever my soul cries.
Will you be near, to save me, angel,
Could you brave the depths of hell,
Or are you too afraid to fall,
Would you go back to where I fell,
In love, and with my burning wings,
Wherever the nightingale sings.

Crowley had been into sonnets. They could be written for hate, and for him, very, very rarely for love. And they had grown big after Shakespeare, they were popular, and everyone, including Aziraphale, knew about them.

He may not have been good at writing them, but he tried his best, and he didn't try at many things. He had written hate sonnets, signed from someone else, causing chaos on the stage, he had written love sonnets to cause arguments between spouses. He had used sonnets to his demonic advantage, for every deed.

Except for declaring his love.


When Aziraphale carefully prised open the yellowed envelope sitting on his doorstep, he was surprised to see Crowley's familiar handwriting. He took out the two pieces of paper from inside and started to read.

Hi angel, it's Crowley.
If you're reading this then I didn't chicken out on giving this to you.
Do you remember in Shakespeare's days when sonnets were popular?
Well I tried. I wrote this back then, so it's not too great. Enjoy!

Aziraphale unfolded the second piece of paper as he sat at his desk. He smiled as he read it, and started to formulate a reply.

I don't write sonnets, and your's was beautiful, so I certainly can't match that, dear. But I am rather into haikus, so that will have to do, even if it isn't so good.

Aziraphale's pen scratched against the paper as he tried to think of what to say. He remembered Crowley's questions in the last sestet of the sonnet.

The answer's a phrase,
That can answer many things,
I'll be there for you.

358 words

Sorry, we're doing Romeo and Juliet in English and I just had to. Haha.

We analysed sonnets so that was fun.

But enjoy anyways, I hope it's okay. I can't write poems, so don't hate on my sonnet or haiku!

Also look at nine's Good Omens fansong! It's actually epic.

(Sorry for the republish I accidentally hit publish.)



Couldn't wait any longer to update so haha here you go it's early so the next might be late.

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