18) So Called Plan

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Crowley looked at the mess in Aziraphale's bookshop, books ripped, thrown to the floor, shelves knocked over, doors left open. The scene became misty, as the demon slowly realised what had happened. Aziraphale had been taken.

It was a week ago. Gabriel had found them in the park, feeding the ducks. He had threatened to take Aziraphale, maybe even make him fall. They hadn't believed his threats. And now, Crowley thought, Aziraphale was gone.

As Crowley's golden eyes flickered across the room, he noticed a trail of feathers, a gradient from white to a dark blue.

"Aziraphale? Angel? Where are you?"

His panicked voice echoed across the room, no reply.

"Where are you? Where is that bastard archangel Gabriel?"

No reply. A few pages floated off from a shelf at the back of the room, and in moments, they had been ripped apart by a distraught Crowley.


Crowley picked up the whitest feather on the floor, his pupils shrinking at the touch. He hissed, dropping the feather, the tips of his fingers burnt.

"No. You're still an angel."

Crowley grabbed for the feather he had dropped, and ignoring the pain, followed the trail, picking up the feathers as he did.With each feather, the pain got less, whether it was due to Crowley getting used to the burns, or the holiness getting lesser, but the demon carried on.

Through the back door, into the back room, up the creaky wooden staircase he had told Aziraphale to replace so many times, along the corridor, lined with plants Crowley had gifted the angel.

"Angel fucking Gabriel. I am going to murder you."

Crowley hissed into the corridor, before dropping to his knees, eyes filled with tears.

"Is this your plan? Is this your ineffable plan?"

Crowley tipped his head back, sunglasses falling off the tip of his nose.

"Is this your so called plan? So called INEFFABLE?"

If only he could find his angel. But would Aziraphale really want to see him again? After he had made him fall?

He closed his eyes, giving up to the world.

"So called plan."

Crowley's quiet voice trailed into nothing.

"Crowley? My dear boy, are you quite alright?"

363 words
I didn't want to actually have this happen so it's all a dream. That's what I'm convincing myself.

Also guess who's getting a Queen backpack for school?

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