14) Slightly Mad

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"Y'know, Aziraphale?"


Aziraphale turned from the shelf he was putting some new books on, the pile of books he was holding wobbling slightly.

"I think you can't carry all of those."

"You think?" Aziraphale spluttered, the pile dangerously close to toppling over.

The angel took a deep breath in, and adjusting himself to keep the stack upright, continued placing the books on the shelf.

"Can I help, angel?"

"That'd be really ni-"

"I'm not nice."

Aziraphale rolled his eyes, and in imitation of Crowley, glared at him.

"You are!"

Crowley sauntered over to Aziraphale, and carefully took a few books from the top of the pile.

"Oh, thank you, dear!"

"You didn't think I'd help you did you?"

Aziraphale looked sheepishly at the ground.


Crowley laughed, placing a book next to one Aziraphale bad just placed down. He clicked his fingers, and the radio nearby turned on.


"Guessed it."

Crowley hummed along to the song, as he cruised down the shelves, Aziraphale watched him fondly, smiling.

"It finally happened, I'm slightly mad!"

Crowley sung under his breath, the watching angel chuckling quietly. The lyrics were rather fascinating.

As Crowley passed Aziraphale, he absent-mindedly leaned over and kissed his forehead, cruising away, leaving a blushing angel.

"I'm knitting with only one needle,"

Crowley continued to hum, until five minutes later, when he stopped still where he was.

"Did I really-" Crowley turned sharply to look at Aziraphale.

"Um- Angel?"

Aziraphale looked at Crowley, blushing a little bit more.

"Did you what?"

"Did I really just- um?"

"Yes, I think so." Aziraphale smiled.

"Unless I'm going slightly mad, dear."

270 words

Been listening to Queen a lot.

Also been watching lots of animatics and amvs.

I had a writing block. So here is a little thing.

My heart loves these two.

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