26) Palace Theatre

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Aziraphale had loved the theatre since before Shakespeare, so he was rather lucky when, right in Soho, just down the road from his bookshop, opened an ornate and elegant theatre. He'd seen ballets, operas, musicals and plain old plays, but those were nothing compared with the experiences he had backstage.

And Crowley knew all this. And so, when Christmas came he knew he had to buy his angel tickets. Little did he know, he would have to deal with a massive fanboy.

"I can't believe it! We're really seeing it!"

Aziraphale flushed red, as Crowley groaned.

"Oh no. Not this again. Nononononono no. No angel."

The angel was too busy, entranced by the merch in the shop, and the bustling people. He grabbed hold of Crowley's hand and dragged him to the counter, a yellow and black striped scarf clutched in his other hand. Until he paused.

"I should get you one as well!"

Which was how Crowley found himself wearing a Hufflepuff scarf, next to his adorable angel, holding Aziraphale's hand tightly as the show went on.

And afterwards, or at least, after part 1, he found himself kissing his angel too. Well, he found himself being kissed by Aziraphale, to be accurate.

And after everything, while the two sat in their bookshop, and the sun set, Aziraphale smiled.

"Thank you for everything, my dear."

222 words

More trashy fic. Very short. Very bad. But I went to the Palace Theatre recently, and I didn't know it was in Soho. Then I dragged my parents and sister on a wild goose chase to find where the pop up bookshop used to be. On that one weekend it opened.

<3 thanks for reading

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