20) Rome

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Crowley and Aziraphale sat awkwardly either side of the table, Crowley's laurels lopsided for the many times he had nervously adjusted them.

It was their first date, and though they had been friends for millennia, neither had wanted to acknowledge the others feelings. Even now, Aziraphale was unsure, but seeing Crowley's hopeful face, he couldn't really change the fact that this was, technically, a date.

Aziraphale had invited him for oysters. Aziraphale. The angel. The beautiful angel who liked seafood and humans. The beautiful angel with the beautiful wings. Aziraphale, of all beings on earth.

Crowley was panicking, if you couldn't tell.

His angel had asked him on what could be classified as a date. Crowley hadn't asked, it was Aziraphale.

"So? Um, done any successful temptations recently?"

As Aziraphale said the word temptations, he subconsciously added actions, a sarcastic tone creeping into his voice.

"Not really, angel. What about you? You do anything good?"

Aziraphale spluttered into his wine.

"Good? Crowley, I do good on a daily basis, I'm an angel!"

172 words

Sorry for the quality, I had an idea and it didn't work out so well. So I gave up on it.

I also really wanted to say a massive thanks to everyone reading this, and everyone who voted and commented, it really makes my day.



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