Chapter 15

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The next day when I opened my eyes it was already 30 past 10 .

I got up so quickly that I nearly hurted my neck. I went straight to the bathroom.

After getting ready to leave for the airport I quickly rushed into the hallway to get my breakfast.

I called James to know if he was ready. He told me that they will be reaching at my place in 15 minutes.

After having breakfast I left a message for mom saying that I will be home by tomorrow.

After reaching outside I saw two cars on the other side of the road.

I rushed towards James car and quickly got into the car.

I saw that it was just James, Emily and I in our car. So that means Benjamin and Isabella were in Noah's.

James sped the car into the direction of the airport not wanting to be late.

As soon as we reached the airport we saw that Lily's flight was late by 30 minutes.

We all accumulated in James car, adjusting ourselves by making Isabella sit on Noah's lap.

Suddenly Noah's phone rang. After receiving the call, he asked us all, "Guys, Liam wants to join us. Is that fine with everyone?"

Everyone just nodded not giving much attention but I so badly wanted to scream a big 'No'. 

After 10 minutes Liam reached the airport and in order to manage him in the car I was made to sit on James's lap.

I  had a huge smile plastered on my face as I knew this would make him jealous.

I could see his expressions change after he finally spoke, "Why are we all sitting in this car? Can't we occupy a seat in the nearby cafe."

I could see disgust occupying his face. I was the first one to answer, "No it feels good here." After saying this, I kissed James.

I was enjoying this moment although to be frank it was pretty congested in the car.

Thirty minutes crossed by quickly with our gossips while I earned timely glares from Liam.

Finally it was time for Lily's flight. We waited for her to arrive until I saw her.

She was as usual looking beautiful even in her 'I am tired of travelling' look.

I ran and hugged her so hard that soon we were both on the ground.

I was joined by Isabella and Emily. All four of us were sitting on the ground, hugging each other and laughing like maniacs.

After our reunion hug, Lily went over to the boys and hugged them.

She was soon standing in front of Liam waiting for one of us to introduce him.

I was the one to do it. I shoved my hands into my pocket and started, "Lily, this is Liam. We met him in Noah's birthday party" and I further continued, "And Liam, this is Lily my bestfriend."

After my short introduction speech, Lily looked at me with wide eyes and an 'O' formed on her lips before she finally looked at Liam and shared a handshake.

The next ride was to James's place with Lily, Isabella, Emily and I in James's car while I was driving it and all the boys were in Noah's car.

During the car ride, Lily kept asking me various questions relating to Liam as what else happened between us, why is he here today, did he tell me if he liked me.

After replying to all her mindless questions, I focused my attention to the road to not end up in an accident.

After a good 30 minutes ride, we finally reached James's place.

So guys! Lily is just too excited about Liam and Mia. What do you think will happen during these few times when Lily will stay with them in Manhattan. Will she pull them closer or be a reason for their distance. To know more, keep reading my story. Also, as usual my next update will be on Friday. Guys do not forget to vote for my story. Tell me in the comments section if you are enjoying it. Bubyee! Keep reading and a happy weekend to all of you❤

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