Chapter 32

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Liam's POV:

The next day when I woke up it was still dark in the room. I attempted to take hold of my phone from the side table.

The sudden light from the screen made my eyes squint a bit. It was 8:00.

Mia was still sleeping peacefully resting her head on my chest. I carefully laid her head on the pillow and got up cautiously as I didn't want to wake her up.

I made my way downstairs and prepared some pancakes for breakfast with coffee. I took the food to the room and placed it on the table.

I then went to the other side of the room to open the blinds wide open. Mia covered her face with the blanket as the sun rays were falling straight on her face.

I went to her and said while pulling the blanket down and adjusting her hair, "Get up honey. We need to get ready and leave as soon as possible." She moaned a bit before opening her eyes and smiling as soon as she saw me.

I couldn't control the urge to kiss her and I crashed straight away on her lips. She kissed me back before interrupting, "But I haven't brushed yet."

I chuckled a bit before replying, "Who cares? I am not gonna stop because of this." We kissed again.

Then she told me that she could smell coffee and pancakes while sniffing like a dog. I pointed to the tray lying on the table.

She asked me surprisingly, "Did you make these?" I just nodded my head in response.

She hugged me while saying, "Thankyou so much for these. You are the best. I love..." She took a pause in between before completing her statement, "I love pancakes."

I just smiled acknowledging her answer. She then stood up from the bed and went straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

I knew she heard the 'I love you' that I told her yesterday and she is surely confused as to whether I meant it or not. I wanted to say those words to her on a special event but I just couldn't control it yesterday.

Now I had to pretend the entire day as if I don't remember saying something like this when on the contrary I want to scream to the entire world about how much I love her and can't wait to tell her this. I was brought back from my thoughts when I heard her calling me.

We had our breakfast and after getting dressed up we were all ready to leave. Mia was looking pretty as usual in her crimson coloured wollen off shoulder top with a plain black skirt and knee length brown shoes.

I am so in love with her. She had already called her mom for sending a car along with a chauffeur. 

As soon as we reached downstairs the chauffeur was already waiting for us. He greeted both of us as he opened the car doors for us to get in.

After getting in the car Mia asked me, "So what's the plan? Where are we heading first?" I took out a list from my pocket while reading it loud, "Firstly, we are heading towards an art museum approximately an hour from here. Then we are going to grab lunch from Burger Barn which is a very famous spot here. Then we can either attend a Shakespeare play which is taking place in the community hall or go for ice-skating in one of the plaza's towards the end of the city. After that we are going to a park to enjoy a ferris wheel ride and lastly dinner."

"Woahhhooo...This seems to be too exciting. And yeah I prefer ice- skating with you rather than watching a Shakespeare play", she said while sticking her tongue out. As per the plan we first headed to the art museum.

I wanted to visit this place as I knew that Mia was fascinated by art and visiting this place would make her happy. We were enjoying in the backseat of the car listening to some of our favourite songs and talking about the life and people in New Jersey.

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