Chapter 27

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The next morning when I got up I could literally feel my head throbbing with pain.

The sunlight was passing in through those creamish white curtains blinding me. I squinted my eyes to check the time.

It was 10'o clock. I got up from my bed and the sudden action caused more pain to flow in my head.

I grabbed my head with both my hands whispering an 'Ouch'. Suddenly consciousness daunted upon me.

How did I reach here? I tried to remember what exactly happened the previous night.

I could summon up that I was on the beach drinking vodka. And then I was sitting there all alone.

I tried to get up but I couldn't handle myself as I was too drunk. And then I was about to fall when Liam caught me.

Ummm...Wait what? Liam? How could Liam get here. I was surely dreaming of being with him.

I internally laughed while swaying my hand in the air. But deep down I so wished he was actually there.

Oh! Stop dreaming of something this sweet happening with you. You ain't that lucky. My brain internally argued with my heart.

I decided to get up from my bed to get some aspirin as this headache was killing me. I was struggling to descend from the stairs still yawning while I stretched my hands to get rid of the laziness hovering over me.

As I reached down the hall I saw someone sleeping on the sofa. His face was hidden in the soft cushion beneath him. I was shit scared.

Who could even dare to enter a private villa? I grabbed a bottle of wine in an attempt to save myself if the person fights back.

I tip toed carefully to the sofa and just as I was raising the bottle to beat the crap out of him my hand touched the vase lying on the side table and the glass vase shattered on the ground causing a loud thud.

I hurried in my attempt to beat him but the sudden crash woke him up. He shifted from his position to face me and I dumbfoundedly stared at the person right in front of me.

It was him. Yes, Liam was here. His next words brought me back to reality.

"Are you insane Mia? What are you doing with this bottle in your hand? You could have fucking killed me with this", he said while grabbing the bottle from my hand.

I was out of words. I looked at the ground in an attempt to avoid his question.

He moved closer to me holding me tightly by my arms. "Just spill, okay?", was all he said making me look like an idiot there.

I nervously replied while freeing myself from his arms and resting my hands on my hips, "Umm...Actually I didn't see that it was you. I thought that it might be some burglar or a kidnapper maybe."

As soon as I completed the sentence Liam started laughing. This  irritated me.

I hissed angrily at him, "What is so funny in this? Can't such a thing happen?"

He now stopped laughing and replied in a sarcastic tone, "Its funny because why will a robber or a kidnapper for that matter wait for you to get up or even sleep at your place. Won't they fucking do whatever they want to and get away with it?"

I felt stupid now for thinking this. In order to hide my embarrassment I went into the kitchen quickly opening the fridge to get some milk and eggs.

He followed me to the kitchen and sat on the counter grabbing an apple from the basket right next to him.

I put the milk on the stove allowing it to boil as I started preparing some omlette for breakfast. As soon as the breakfast got ready, I set it on the dining table.

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