Chapter 21

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I was unable to believe what I saw in front of me. James was standing in front of us with bags in which what I assumed were some gifts for me.

Every year he used to gift me outfits for Christmas and Thanksgiving and he carried out the tradition this year too.

I quickly got up from my bed adjusting my clothes. I opened my mouth to speak something but James raised his hand to stop me from explaining myself.

By this time tears filled my eyes. I didn't even remember what happened last night but when I got up I knew I was close enough to Liam.

I rushed to James to get a hold of his hand but he flinched back and his next words broke my heart.

"We are done, Mia. You are a cheater. I never expected this from you. You not only broke my trust but you also broke a part of me that loved you wholeheartedly. Stay away from me now. I don't want to see your face ever again."

Tears rolled down my cheek. I sat down on the floor crying, not knowing what to do. My entire world shattered in front of me and I was too helpless to save it.

Liam rushed to James to explain him what exactly happened. But James punched him in the face.

I could see blood coming from the corner of his lips. Liam touched his lips and after noticing the blood anger engulfed him.

In the split of a second he punched James in the stomach. I regained my senses when I realised that both of them got involved in a fist fight.

I got up quickly and came between the two. I separated them and managed to speak the next words while sobbing, "What are you guys up to? Why are you'll beating the shit out of each other. I want both of you to leave my place right now. I just need to be alone."

James looked at me and then at Liam and with that he left. I looked at Liam and then said, "Do I need to repeat myself. I told you to leave. Can you give me some space?"

Liam came closer to me and held my hand. But this time with all force, I pushed him back and while wiping my tears I said, "Just because I was drunk that doesn't give you any right to fuck me, you asshole. I believed you enough to get drunk with you. And guess what? I regret it. I regret even calling you my friend because you Liam, you don't deserve me. I so fucking hate you. Please leave my house right now and never ever try to contact me again."

I said all of this so quickly and without even looking at him. I knew I had lost my calm.

After realizing what I spoke I looked at him to see his reaction. He had tears in his eyes.

I knew I hurt him but the hurt I felt in my heart was more to even let me realize that what I said at that moment was too rude.

He came towards me as if to say something but then he stopped. With one last look he left and didn't even look back.

Heartbreaking right? When you know that you didn't do anything wrong still you are blamed for everything that happens, it fucking kills. What do you think will happen next? What will Mia do now? She has already told Liam to stay away from her and she also broke up with James. Stay tuned to my next updates to know the entire story. My next update will be on Sunday. Please do not forget to vote for my story. Happy weekend guys❤

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