Chapter 16

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Once reaching James's house we were greeted by William his younger brother.

William was a sweetheart and he looked like James. Those same black eyes and dark brown hair.

After greeting us he left the house stating that he is going at a friend's place and will be returning after dinner.

We soon got comfortable on the couch while Lily excused herself for getting fresh and changing into some nice clothes.

James switched on Netflix and played our favourite movie 'You before Me'. 

About an hour later I shifted my eyes from the TV screen to notice the place. Trust me it was a mess.

Pizza boxes with leftovers laid on the ground, popcorn bowls placed on the table along with empty beer bottles.

Noah was sitting on the floor while Isabella sat next to him resting her head on his shoulder.

Benjamin was sitting on the sofa with Lily's head resting on his lap.

I saw that they were fast asleep. Emily was already down sitting next to Liam.

James sitting next to me was almost struggling hard to not close his eyes and fall asleep.

I noticed Liam and saw that even he was sleeping. I took hold of the remote and switched off the T.V.

I crept over to James and whispered him to sleep. I went down in the store room to get some extra blankets and by the time I returned even James had fallen asleep.

I chuckled a bit. I covered them with blankets as it was mid November and so it was freaking cold.

As soon as I was going to put a blanket on Liam I heard him speaking something.

I went closer to have a clear understanding of his words but when I crept closer he pulled me into his arms.

His eyes were still closed. At this point I was sitting on his lap with his hands around my waist.

I shivered under his touch. He looked more handsome when he was asleep.

His dark brown hair falling on his face and his lips opening and closing every now and then.

I couldn't stop staring at him until I heard someone cough. It was Lily.
"Oh shit", I internally blabbered.

I turned around to see her standing in front of me with her hands on her hips.

She pulled me by my arm and brought me into James's room. I was hell scared as I knew she would want to know what was happening there.

How should I make her understand that it wasn't deliberate and all this happened by mistake?

Will she even understand me? Oh my god! I am into a huge mess now.

Well guys, as you can see Mia has gotten herself in trouble again. How do you think will Lily react now? Will she understand that Mia hasn't done that intentionally? To know more, stick to my story. Do not forget to vote for my story. Also, my next update will be on Friday. Till then, keep reading! I love you all❤

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