01 | the one in which the plan is ruined.

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The rain played an orchestra of beats against the cemented roads. It wasn't a calm and melodic rhythm. No, it was a ruthless and heart wrenching rhapsody. And the rain seemed to have no heart in showing mercy to anyone today. But that's exactly how Mumbai rains were in the month of July. Some days, it was even worse. But that didn't stop me.

The raincoat clung to my body like a second skin, the front of my face was completely wet and my boots were muddy overall. Still, that didn't stop me, because I had a plan on how today was gonna be and I wasn't gonna let anything or anyone ruin it.

I could have taken a rickshaw- the three wheeler public transport. I could have saved myself the dash through the severe rain. But I had it all calculated in my head. You see, if I ran, I could exercise a little (a perk, given I never exercise) and reach just in time for my train- without having to spend three whole minutes waiting uselessly for it to arrive.

I hated waiting. I liked things done quickly and systematically. Plus, I lived close to the railways, so it was at a walkable distance and saved me my cash. Even if that cash was just nine rupees.

I made a quick turn and marched my way into the tiny station of my small town. As I had planned, I descended the stairs on the platform just in time of my train's arrival. When I was finally seated inside the train, I pulled out my phone from my jeans, loosening my raincoat and quickly typed in a text to my friend.

in train, we still on right?👯

Almost immediately my phone buzzed and a reply came in.

Of course! I have so much to tell you!
P.S : Vanhi is already here. She has some tea to spill 😏

I chuckled as I read the text. The intercom overhead went off, announcing the arrival to the next station that was my stop. My friends and I planned to meet up at our favorite cafe which was cheap and had tasty food. Over the years of spending time together in college, we had made it our spot.

It was still raining heavily when the train pulled to a stop so I quickly pocketed my phone and pulled my raincoat closer to my body. I was walking out the door when a man behind me slipped and latched onto my arm for support. He was definitely heavier than me, I could tell with the way my legs wobbled, despite me trying to keep my balance. I think I heard a couple of watch out!s and Oye!s but it was too late.

Luckily, my reflexes were quick so I flung my arms ahead in an attempt to brace myself, twisting my body to the side just in time as I landed harshly on the ground. My efforts weren't in vain, thankfully, as I managed to protect my head.

But I didn't fall alone. The stranger body-slammed me and a loud groan escaped my lips followed by his huskier one. For a few seconds, the world went silent and I lost recollection of what had happened. I was disoriented.

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