06 | the one in which there's a procedure

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The salty wind creased my cheeks as the setting sun cast it's golden rays upon me

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The salty wind creased my cheeks as the setting sun cast it's golden rays upon me. A cool breeze from the sea ruffled its way through my raven black hair as I inhaled a breath. The sound of the waves crashing against the sea rocks below was a melody to my ears. I could barely focus on the people walking past me as I let my eyes feed onto the beautiful scenery before my eyes; the scenery of the sun setting beyond the ocean's horizon, while the clouds blushed in shades of red.

I have always been a sucker for sunsets. Something about the day reaching its end and the night comes down to meet that end has always been a romantic notion to me. Like a romantic tragedy. And didn't the world love such type of stories? Because last I checked, they did.

I was lost in my surroundings when a hand grabbed onto my shoulder and jerked me back to my senses. Panic shot through my veins as I turned around startled, only to feel a flood of relief when I saw the familiar face of Aahan Kapoor.

"Jesus Christ! You scared the crap outta me for a moment back there." I said, shaking my head.

"Oh, did I? I'm sorry to have disturbed your daydreams." He shot back, tugging on his duffle back over his shoulder as he struggled with a suitcase and backpack in each of his hand. "I would have left you to your escapades, if it wasn't for your two large suitcases holding me down, woman."

"It's a backpack and a suitcase." I corrected him immediately only to be shot by a glare from his side. I smiled sheepishly, taking the suitcase and the backpack from him. "Technicalities, but you already knew that. So big day, ha!"

He sighed, nodding his head and mumbling under his breath as he commanded me to follow him. I shrugged him off, turning to look at my hotel.

Taj land ends were exactly the same, as I had observed it in its pictures. It was enormous and beautiful, overlooking the sea prominence and standing tall and board in all it's might. The exterior of the five-star hotel was mostly made of glass and its surroundings consisted of a neat man-made hospitable environment.

This wasn't the first time I had seen it. But it was the first time I would be setting my foot within its interiors.

A huge part of me was excited. This was exactly what I had been longing for. A city adventure.

But a tiny part of me was scared. This was a whole new world for me. The one I read about in books and magazines. And to be living in it was both intimidating and exciting at the same time to me.

It wasn't long until Aahan had checked us in. I stayed quiet the entire time. Too afraid and nervous to say anything. What if I screw this up? Self-doubt was beginning to eat at the edges of my brain.

The interior of the hotel was as beautiful as it was outside. Everything in here screamed expensive and money. I was overwhelmed with nervousness and excitement as I followed behind Aahan. Upon entering the lift, he finally spoke, breaking the silence between us.

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