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The air in the building had an essence of sophistication laced to it, in every breath that I took

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The air in the building had an essence of sophistication laced to it, in every breath that I took. The compelling combination of grey walls, with white and black marble interiors, excluded any doubts that I had regarding the people working here. For I was sure now, from the looks of expensive-tailormade formals worn by every second human being here to the exquisite interiors of the building, that these people were highly expert and professional in their work. They were the best in their work. A multinational company! Holy shit!

The woman behind the reception desk, who didn't seem any older than me, smiled amusingly as I gawked around the lobby. Blushing sheepishly, I turned away from her as I took a seat on the cushioned chairs in the waiting area of the lobby- which also had a coffee making machine by the way. An automatic one that, too!

I felt jitters. Excited and thrilling jitters crawl over my skin and roll in the pit of my stomach. Every time I looked at people walk in and out of the lobby, I could only admire them. Working and being successful in life ― It was like watching people live my dream.

Mumbai was known as the "city of dreams" in India. Mumbai was that one place where millions of people migrated every day from every part of India, for even a five per cent chance to live their dream. From Bollywood to working in the most successful business cooperation. It was all here. And it only made sense that I, a person born and brought up in the soil of this dominating western coastal city wanted to do the same. Use the city to my advantage!

I wanted to wear a tailored made formal suit. A tight blouse and an intimidating blazer. A fitting pencil skirt and heels that clicked in echoes of success whenever I walked. I wanted to be a successful writer ― a travel blogger. To the people who would be my fans, I wanted to be fun. I would help them connect with the world from my viewpoint. But to the people in general, I wanted to beam in success and sophistication. For what was more powerful? then a woman who silenced those around her because her work was fun and successful.

I was lost in my daydreams when the elevator doors across the waiting area chimed and opened for the nth time. But this time, Aahan stepped outside from it.

Dressed in his finest grey suit and a checkered blue tie, he looked good. His hair that usually was a black curly mess now was combed in the gel to sit back on his head in all firmness. But the jawline was the same. So were his coffee-coloured eyes. Dark, roasted coffee beans.

I rose from my seat, clutching onto my handbag as he approached me. I had never seen him like this or even imagined him as such. So, professional.

It was hard to imagine that, this was the exact same man like the one I had been fighting on the station three weeks back. He looked so much older and sexy!

"You're late." He hissed, his smile dropping as he got close to my vicinity.

"I'm sorry!" I winced at the sound of his voice, something about him right now really intimidated me. I wasn't sure if it was his suit or this entire building itself. But it did. "I had a wardrobe malfunction! I missed my local train."

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