27 | the one in which it's their date one

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The Saturday late evening was melting away into the darkness of the early night sky, and in these hours, I sat upon the bed of the guestroom, in the villa

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The Saturday late evening was melting away into the darkness of the early night sky, and in these hours, I sat upon the bed of the guestroom, in the villa. I was still amidst my thoughts of processing everything that Saloni had told me half an hour ago. When the wind circled its way around my body through the bedroom window, I felt a roundabout of my emotions erupt like rumbles over my skin. It felt like my body was registering itself through the waves of astonishment. And then like a flood of a tsunami it hit me that it was now or never.

I had to make a move now. It had to be now, or I would lose her to another guy. To another pair of arms. Another set of lips. Another soul. It was something I could bear, never.

But something held me back. Another problem. Another question of my life. Something which would sum up the entire bond of mine to hers. And that was the obstacle between us. The very words and actions of; were she 'the one.?'

What is love? If I were to google its definition, it would tell me: love is a definition of but intense feeling of deep affection. But it could also be defined as a great pleasure and interest in something. And so, my thoughts fell into a jumble of emotions. Were the feelings in my heart? Were the feelings just thoughts in my head? Was the feeling of love for Saloni related to the first definition of love? Or was it the latter?

And so, I set my things straight. I packed some of my stuff in a duffle bag that I found in the guestroom. Everything that was packed inside was related to the ideas bursting in my head. I was on a move. My mind was already formulating the ideas as to how the rest of the weekend, I would want to spend. And so, Exactly at Nine-thirty pm, I met with Saloni, outside the villa.

"What's with the bag?" She raised her eyebrows, tilting her head to the side to examine it. It hung heavily on my left shoulder, but the weight of it could not be compared to the weight on my mind right now.

"Thing's we'll need." I smile in reassurance to her. This only makes her more suspicious of me, but she doesn't question further. Instead, she adapts. "It's best if you put it in the backseat." She throws a pair of keys in the air and I snatch it my fist with my free right hand.

"Sounds good, let's go, shall we?"

"Let's go."


The drive to the destination is pretty silent. I don't know what I am supposed to say and neither does Saloni says a word. But in the moments of silence, our eyes drift towards each other and they meet and when they meet, there's a lot they try to convey. Question, emotions, feelings and doubts. I wonder what do my eyes convey to hers?

"I always liked the way you drive," Saloni says, after half an hour of silence. I breathe out a gust of wind, that I never knew I had held on, into my lungs. "It's really smooth. I can trust you enough to sleep while you drive." These very words of hers make me smile remembering all those failed attempts I had to conquer.

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