03 | the one in which they have a moment

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It was cold

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It was cold. The coffee he had ordered from Starbucks was ice-cold and every sip I took of the icy-sweet liquid sent a chill right down my spine and crawling over my skin.

Who in their right mind, has a cold frappuccino on a rainy day? On a day when the temperature dropped at insane levels and moisture plagued the wind. Who does that?

"I do." Aahan shrugged, taking a sip of my cappuccino he had in his hand. I raised my eyebrows at him, amused at how easily he read my thoughts.

"I can tell what you're thinking." He explained, a smile playing on his lips.

I rolled my eyes and took another sip of the coffee. Although the rain still continued its mayhem, we sat in silence outside of Starbucks. I couldn't stand it. It was way too cold and the coffee only made it worse for me.

I put the cup aside and hugged my arms to my body, curling my knees up to my chest. I couldn't wait for the sky to clear up.

"Are you cold?" Aahan asked. I wanted to say 'no shit, Sherlock' but I was too cold to even do that. So, I only nodded, embarrassed that I only made a fool of myself by hogging up his order of coffee.

When I turned to look at him, he was grinning. His dark brown eyes were looking straight into mine. We had similar eyes, I realized but we definitely didn't have similar smiles. He had a dimple at the right.

"Stop smiling at one's misery, you creep." I hissed at him angrily to which he only laughed.

"I'll gladly be a creep if I get to watch you suffer without me doing anything. You get karma without making me do anything! How benevolent."

"Fuck you." I snarled, pulling my phone out of jeans to keep me busy.

"See, I don't get why you have such a vast vocabulary full of colourful words limited only to me," he continued, "it's a beautiful language you speak, I'm sure others would be delighted to hear it. More than me actually."

"Are you always this sassy?" I snapped, emphasizing the word sassy. Even Instagram couldn't distract me from him.

"Are you always this judgemental?" He shot back.

"Judgemental!?" My eyebrows shot up in disbelief of his sheer audacity to tell me that. "Excuse me, sir, keep your false claims to yourself."

"Oh, but what I am saying right now is true. You judged me from the very first time we met." Aahan said, draining the remnants of what used to be a warm cappuccino in his hand.

He then placed the empty cup down next to my half-full cup, before continuing. "You said I only think about myself. Okay, maybe I do. But so do you. Anyone on a bad day would think about themselves more than the person in front of them. We all are selfish when it concerns ourselves. And when that accident happened, I was having a bad day. Did you even try to understand my urgency? I think not."

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