02 | the one in which they swap coffee and names.

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The wind howled as the rain descended in rapid succession one early evening in Mumbai. Occasionally, lightning would collide with the ashen clouds in the sky, creating a majestic performance for by-standers like me, who were taking shelter from the downpour.

Just another rainy day and my bad luck! I sighed, checking the time on my phone.

In doing so, I was reminded of a man I had the misfortune of meeting. The man who had caused me so much trouble last week. My grasp on my phone tightened at just the memory of it. Every time his face crossed my mind, something would burn like a fire in my chest. Maybe it's hate, I'd always tell myself.

While I was deep in thought, my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I answered and almost immediately, Henna spoke.

"You are joining us tonight, right?"

"For what?" I pressed my phone closer to my ear in an attempt to hear her over the heavy rain.

"For the night out! I told you last week remember? You, me and Vanhi would have a girl's night out on Saturday."

"Have you looked outside your window lately?" I raised my eyebrows, even though she couldn't see it.

I cast my glaze at the dark and gloomy sky once again. The clouds gave the atmosphere a hazy look and it was very chilly. This was weather to stay inside with a hot drink, wrapped up in a blanket with a good book or show.

"It's seven-thirty p.m. and we leave by nine p.m. It should stop by then," she replied.

"What are you? The weather forecast? There's no telling it will actually stop." I sighed. "Besides, I'm stuck in the rain right now. I have no idea when I'll get home and when I could be ready to go out again. I need my bed."

"You're already outside then?"

"You're impossible." I rubbed a hand across my forehead to ease the creases over the bridge of my nose. "What I'm saying is: No. I can't make it tonight with you two. I am going home when the rain stops and sleeping in till tomorrow afternoon, because it's Sunday and I can!"

"This isn't fair! I was looking forward to spending time with you. I don't even get to see you anymore. I can't remember when last we spent time together. I don't even remember your face." She whined, like she usually did when any slight inconvenience happened.

"We met last week, Henna." I reminded her, finding her whining amusing.

"And how did that go? Don't you remember? You collided with a handsome man-"

"Stupid jerk." I corrected her.

"- as I was saying, handsome man." I rolled my eyes as she continued. I knew I was right anyway. "He broke your phone and left you with a bruised arm, and he ran away like a coward. That left me and Vanhi listening to you cry about your loss of money, time and failure of plans. I didn't even get to eat my mud cake that day."

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