24 | the one in which the villa is a getaway

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Saloni Neeves was like the thunderstorm that spread across the ashen clouded skies of the month of July. It was a chaotic beauty. She had thundered into my life - quite literally if you allow me to express it so- and claimed my mind with her jarring personality.

If I was being honest, which I am trying to do right now, she had already made a home in my heart when we met again the second time. Was it a coincidence? Fate? Luck? I have no idea. All I do know is that, when I had seen those chocolate coloured eyes glare at me in the Starbucks store, I wanted to see what more they could do. And for sure I was blown away with the things they could do to me every time.

The way they glazed up with moisture and wetness whenever hurt, the way they'd held back a shock, the way they would turn away shyly and the way they'd stare into my very eyes as if stripping me off, of all my walls and laying me down to my very vulnerabilities.

Saloni Neeves was a woman who made my heart thump, again. It wasn't a fast and jumbling kind of feeling. It was the thumping of beats, that filled one with calmness and relief. One which filled me with happiness.

And so only now, I was beginning to realise what my problem was.

The problem is that I'm in love with Saloni Neeves.

I had been.

I still am.

It only now started to make sense. It made sense why I'd be so upset sending her on dates with other men. Why it truly agonized me seeing her kiss someone else. Why it tore me apart when she cried. Why I felt like punching her date that stood her up. And why I was so readily available to be her date that night.

It all made so much sense now.

Hence, I was anticipating the arrival of the weekend. I spent my days at my office working hard to leave not a speck of responsibilities left behind. I did not wish it to be carried over the weekend. I planned to figure and fix everything in this given opportunity.

My mind couldn't help but wander back to that impulsive kiss. The way I had so impulsively pressed her tender pink cold chapped lips against mine, weaving a sensational warmth upon the skin etched to the sides of our mouth and a explosives taste of chocolates dancing on our tongues. I couldn't also help but think about how she didn't push me back, instead, she melted into my arms and made the kiss even more romantic and fervent.

And so the week passed in an uneventful blur. Friday afternoon when I returned early from work, I found myself packing a bag of my clothes, an extra pair of shoes and other essential items. First time in months I had received a text from Saloni and it had honestly made me smile aloof.

Soon I was on my way towards the station she promised to meet me at. At around six o'clock, on a winter evening, in the month of October, I met her under the setting sun. Her hair was straightened sleek back, unlike her naturally frizzy curls. It kissed her skin, falling like a curtain around her predominant beautiful face. I couldn't take my eyes off her chocolate eyes. But the moment I did linger my eyes away from hers, it was only to look at her to chew onto her lip nervously as I walked closer to her.

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