09 | the one in which it's time for a healthy breakfast.

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【 the song for this chapter is Complicated by Avril Lavigne

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【 the song for this chapter is Complicated by Avril Lavigne. 】

The sky was clear with a magnificent view. The dark and looming clouds had parted like the curtains of the musical theatre, leaving a show behind. There was a trail of the stars streaked across the sky, in all its glory. And the moon created a spotlight on me; the moonlight was cast like a light bulb in the room. It was an illuminating light. Gentle yet strong. It sprayed highlights to some modest features of me, while the rest stayed behind in the dark, like an intriguing mystery.

"It's so beautiful tonight," I announced as I held the tiny camera firmly in my hand. It was currently recorded my surroundings as I took a step forward in the mud paved roads of the garden.

We had ditched the hotel long back. Like newly-turned teenagers, we ran across the streets before we came to a halt to a garden which was thankfully still open. I insisted on taking a stroll through the garden and after what seems forever we reached a part of the garden that's not full of people.

A pang of guilt swamped through my chest as I recalled how my cameramen failed to keep up with me and Ashish and our sudden outburst from the hotel. But in my defence, I had texted Aahan where I was with Ashish and that I would be recording everything with my mini camera. For the content Aahan! I had replied to his fuming messages.

"I can't tell you how beautiful tonight is. My attention is stolen by something else." Ashish said from behind me. "Or should I say by somebody in particular."

"That somebody, in particular, must be like this breath of fresh air." I smiled coyly as I turned around to look him into his eyes. He raises his eyebrows at my statement to which I shrug playfully. "Feels good to actually be breathing then living off the air, doesn't it, Ashish?"

Now he had a smile of his own playing along the lines of his lips and I couldn't help but chuckle. I lift my camera and record him walking closer to me.

"Why yes!" He cries dramatically and I let out a giggle. He's getting closer and closer to where I stood, I'm very much aware of it. Yet, my feet stay planted at its roots.

"So this is what it's like to breathe? To feel the air fill up your lungs and feel so refreshed?" He continued to playfully banter.

"It is," I said softly. It is then in that exact moment when he stops to stand before me, mere inches away.

"Who knew? All I needed was a person to remind me how it's like to breathe again." He whispered leaning in to cup my face in his hands. He hesitates before touching me, waiting for my approval but when I part my lips and look up to meet his eyes quite boldly, his rough skin takes hold of soft my cheeks.

He pulls me closer gently, and I let the camera fall from my hands, knowing it would hang around my neck with the traps placed around it. His eyes never leave mine. And It makes me feel comfortable.

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