11 | the one in which she has a cute lunch date.

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Everything could be ignored

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Everything could be ignored. From the buzzing noise of the car's engine to the tyres of the car running to its maximum speed on the uneven asphalt roads of Mumbai. From the constant click and tunes, the camera would make while the cameramen adjusted the settings and films to the annoying foot-tapping noise Meera made from her backseat.

Everything could be ignored with the exception of Aahan Kapoor.

Everything he did would be of an immediate notice. Every sigh, every hand movement, every ruffle of his curls and every change of movement in his position was noticed.

I couldn't help myself. My head just kept snapping to his direction. My eyes would somehow always find ways to go back to his face. To his body. To him.

But nobody was ready to address the elephant in the room.

When my gaze lingered around him, much longer than I had planned, he finally spoke up.

"What?" Just a word and yet it felt like a lot. Like it took him everything to find his voice to pour it into his words.

"Are you okay?" That was all that I could ask. Despite all the budding questions building in the back of my mind every second of the ticking time, it was all I could say.

He seemed taken aback. As if expecting me to blow upon him or interrogate him. Which I probably should have. But I couldn't. Something about him being so different and so messed up, made me ache in my own bones and heart.

"I'm fine." He said and I knew it was a lie.

"You don't have to lie, you know." I said, turning my head towards the window. I watched the image of the city change from one destination to another.

"I'm...not...lying." He scoffed, shrugging the question off. His every word had come after a pause. It was enough to state otherwise.

"Then why don't you wear confidence in those same words." I turned to look at him in the eye. His face was pulled back in the same expression as the day I first met him.

Why was I so set on him talking? How did it even matter to me? I don't know. But somewhere deep inside the chambers of my heart, there was a voice. A voice that said, 'I want to hear it. I want to hear him confess.'

"What are you on? Are you questioning me about my own life? And besides, the show does it matter to you?" His eyebrows knit themselves together as his eyes went wide. He looked at me as if he was bewildered with me. "This is none of your business."

Something snapped inside me. Like it did the first time we met. And then my heart was on fire.

"Excuse me?" I said, voicing my words an octave higher. "None of my business? I'm doing this show for you. I'm working my ass off to make your show successful. And when I'm genuinely worried about you, you're giving me this attitude? Really? I'm not the one who's been away the entire night because of some fight with a woman."

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