34 | the one in which its Christmas engagement Party

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"I still hate you," Saloni announces for the fifth time

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"I still hate you," Saloni announces for the fifth time. It has been two months since she got the job of the planning executive for her sister's model, but she still gets mad at me. "Come on, babe. Don't be angry at this cute face. Look, look at this face." I pout, placing my head on the palms of my hand and she lets out a snort, nevertheless, she smiles as she puts on some earrings. "Cute but not enough to settle me down."

"On the brighter side, your parents are happy to see your work and you have come clean to them this time," I replied back to her. "Come on," I then whine, "Give me some credit. I did so much to make you smile. Give me just one smile."

"You made me work for my sister." Saloni huffs, she grabs onto her straightener and begins the process to make her hair look sleek and laid back. "I made you work with her. Not for her. correction miss, gorgeous." I stand up from her bed and make my way towards and when reaching close to her, I capture in my arms from her backside, kissing her open shoulder.

"Alright, fine." She lets out a giggle, setting down her hair appliance. She leans back into my arms and I bury my head in the crook of her neck. "Aahan, dad might jump in anytime in the bedroom." She warns me and I mumble some curses along the darkly pigmented skin of her, before letting go of her.

"Why can't we keep the door closed," I whine. "Because you might wanna play dirty." She winks, enjoying my pain.

"Don't test me Saloni, I will spank you in the car," I smirk and her face flushes a bright red shade. "Shut up! Go down to the car. I'll be down in five."

"Okay, Sal babe." I imitate actions of spanking her and she huffs as I leave the room, laughing at her expression. Every day is a moment to love her more


"Finally, some holiday I can enjoy." Saloni stretches her back and leans back on the passenger side of the car. I smile, starting up the car. I turn to her for a brief moment and observe everything about her. She wears a turquoise shade dress. It's off the shoulder, for which she wraps around herself a white shawl. Her hair falls like a curtain of drapes down her back and her makeup pops up her facial feature. I feel myself getting turned on by just looking at her.

"What?" she asked when she caught me staring at her.

"Stop being so hot." I huff and begin to drive away from her house.

"What even?" she chuckles, nevertheless she places her hand over mine and leans closer to me. I wish we could stay longer in this position but soon enough, after an hour of driving, we reach the place that Vahni has booked for our Christmas party. Apparently, she and her boyfriend were now engaged for more than a month. She wanted to celebrate her engagement with all her friends and so we were invited. The theme was blue, like the colour of her ring. And so, I had dressed myself in my best Blue suit.

To say that Saloni's friend was shocked at my success of fixing things with Saloni's parents and her sister, was an underestimation. They were flabbergasted. But I knew that this success had come at the price of an injured hand, cold wars for a while and a lot of begging. But the moment Saloni would come running in arms or when she would peck my lips softly, I'd be reminded why it was all so worth it.

Because it was Saloni.

And she was worth it.

We entered the open hall where the celebration was taking place. It was themed with all blue and white. What made it spectacular was the Christmas edition they had decided to add. It felt like a magical land. And while Vahni and Jayesh took pictures of their pre-wedding pictures, every other guest feasted on the buffet or had some drinks, talking to each other.

"Drinks or starters?" I asked saloni, she smiled and said: "Something sweet maybe?"

"That's not how we do buffets." I chuckle. "There are rules you know?"

"Well damn the rules, let's go get some ice cream!"

And so, she ran towards the sweet counter, holding her dress up that was a mermaid one, hugging the curves of her body.

"I want to eat something else if I was being honest." I muster to myself and follow after her.


"You guys are like kids, how are you two dating?" Henna snorts at us as we finish a plate of ice cream sundae. "Because of loveeeee." Saloni sings out the words and then lets out a chuckle at the disgusted look at Henna's face.

"You'll understand when you fall in love." I tease Henna to which she snorts again, muttering something under her breath. "Isn't the theme blue? You wore black." I then ask her to which she says. "Haven't you seen tainted water?" before walking away.

"She is a tough cookie." I shake my head to which Saloni laughs. "She always has been one."

"I can't wait to see her in love." I snicker and Saloni grins widely, "I'd pay to watch that happen. And she would probably on a date for money." She shakes her head and then looks at me. We were seated at some plastic chairs kept around the hall for people to sit and rest. I pull onto her chair and pull her closer. Her chair stumbles forward and I catch her in my arms, capturing her in my arms.

"Want to get out of here and someplace private?" I peck her lips softly and she blushes, falling back onto her chair and out of my arms.

"We have to take pictures with Vahni and Jayesh, yet." She shakes her head and I let out a whine. "See there's a problem."


"In between my legs, woman." I whimper, kissing her highlighted cheek. She whacks my arm and stares at me agape. "I can't believe you said that so loudly!"

"It's a big and hard problem, Sal." I carry on to tease her. "You're pretty good at solving it."

"Aahan Kapoor!"

"Ugh." I huff, leaning back on the chair. "Wait till this party is over."

"Sure, we will get you checked then." She smiles slyly then walks off towards the dance floor. I follow after her quickly before any guy could walk up close to her. But they weren't going to be a problem no more. Because soon;

Soon she would be mine.



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