12 | the one in which she has a movie date.

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My hotel room had been hit by a hurricane called Meera

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My hotel room had been hit by a hurricane called Meera. Bright sequined clothes to almost revealing and out of my comfort-zone clothes were flung about my bed, replacing the usual space of the bedsheets. Various types of boots laid scattered about the  floor. And the dressing tabled was decked in a maze of makeup. In the middle of this mess was Meera, who scrambled through the various bags of clothing to pull out that one jacket that would make me and my overall outfit look pretty.

"Mumbai's weather has never left a need for wearing a jacket, Meera." I sigh as I tip-toe around the room to seat myself on an empty chair by the window. My words fall on deaf ears as Meera continues to pull clothes out from the bags the sponsors delivered a while ago. She lets out a squeal when she finally pulls out a black denim jacket and I breathe in relief.

"Go, get changed." She pushes the outfit onto my lap and urges me to hurry before turning back to the dressing table. I pick up the clothes and walk back to the bathroom.

I feel drained and restless. When the previous date ended I expected to find Aahan and talk. Space out any disagreement we'd seem to have and get to a mutual ground again. But none of that happened.

Why are you treating me so coldly? Why is there a change in your attitude towards me? What have I done to you? Isn't this a project that we're supposed to work on together?

The amount of question forming in the back of my head laid in abundance but the answers- to even a single one of them - stayed as pending. Aahan made sure that I was not supposed to be talking to him. He succeeded in completely cutting me off when we were returning to the hotel after the lunch date recordings.

He barely spoke to anyone for a matter of fact. It was like he suddenly had cut us all, out of his life.

I don't understand Aahan Kapoor. He, who is a character of two alarming personalities. One that makes tiptoe around the edges of his cold personality; when he's so closed off and rude. And one that makes me drawn near to him like a moth to the flame; when he's charming teasing and flirty. And that side of him pulls me closer to him.

It's insane to how much I was thinking in this very instant, all of which seemed to revolve around him.

Rolling my shoulders to the back, I breathe in an audible amount of air. I try to push every thought out of my mind as I get dressed, something I do rather quickly before Meera could barge into the bathroom for a check.

The outfit stays very close to my personality; loud yet comforting. A silver sequined tank top stays tucked into high-waisted ripped back jeans accompanied by Meera's favourite Black denim jacket. It looks fashionable with the shine the top provides through its sliver sequences but actually feels comfortable on the insides silk materials against the skin. The only worry is that it might make me feel hot in the weather of Mumbai.

Girls have it easy, ha?

I'm thankful for the light makeup Meera applies to my skin for my sure all this stress is going to result in a breakout soon all over my face. However, she spends half an hour over straightening my hair first and then adding wavy voluminous curls at the bottom.

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