26 | the one in which there's the confessions

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The dining table was set

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The dining table was set. Lavender aromatic candles were burning onto the table. Plates had been set up with delicious food. The fairy lights felt like the stars had somehow rolled itself around our presences. The wine bottle stood tall and ready to be popped. Everything was ready and romantic, and even more so- it was all planned well for Saloni. And there she stood in the middle of the low yellow lights and the fine-dining space, flabbergasted.

To say that Saloni was flabbergasted was an understatement. The moment she had walked out, onto the wide-open balcony she was breathless. Her eyes had slowly widened to the size of the moon, as she turned looking at me.

"Y-You..." she faltered, her voice wavering in a shocking tone. A warm smile spread across my face at mu achievement and I took her hand in mine at that moment, pulling her closer. "Yes, I planned and prepared everything. With the help of your friends of course."

"But why?"

"Why not? You deserve so much more than this." I brought her hands up to my mouth and softly kissed her knuckles. I looked up to meet her chocolate brown eyes and she blushed under my gaze. With a smile playing along the lines of my lips, I lead her to her chair. Made her sit down, then took my place opposite her.

She was smiling now. A warm smile that could lit the space of this area alone for me. And I felt even more happier to see her like that. "We have so much to catch up on."

"And some things to talk about, I believe so." She nodded slowly, tucking away the tiny bit of her baby hair behind her ear. She was gorgeous. "Yes, we will get to it. But let's enjoy the food first, yes?"



"They made you the boss of another department?" Saloni asked, an expression of shock and frown revealing over her face. "Yes, after I played the role of your final date for the show, they shifted me from the producer role."

"oh my god." She leaned back on her chair. "I can't believe it..."

"Yes, but I knew that would happen. Everything has its own consequences, right?" I shrugged, but it only made her feel worse. We were done eating our food and sweet dish and now we sat discussing things that happened over the last few months.

"Everything has consequences..." some dark flickered onto Saloni's face. I reached out to take her hand in mine bur she pulled away. A moment of cold silence filled the spaces between us. I chewed onto the inside of my cheeks. I felt the awkward pressure of the mood, so I got up to feet and switched on the speakers that Jayesh had set up. Connecting it to my phone I played a song of the nineties. I turned and held my hand against Saloni's.

"Would you dance with me, m'lady?" I asked in the most gentlemen tone.

For a hot minute, my hand stayed wavering in the air as she looked from my hand to my eyes. I felt I would be rejected, but she put her hand in mine and slowly lifted herself from the chair. "Sure, just one dance won't hurt anybody."

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